Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Che-me On Her!

(Hey, I haven’t inflicted a really bad pun for a little while now; I was due for one).

You’ll probably ask yourself, “Doomsy, what on earth were you smoking that made you want to visit the blog of Michelle Malkin?” Well, I was checking around to get information on the immigration rallies post I wrote yesterday. In the process, I accidentally stumbled across her site.

And of course, I came away enlightened.

You see, the whole thing is an anti-American conspiracy concocted by (three guesses, the first two don’t count)...none other than THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY (America-hating socialists all!). And this photo is the proof! And they TOOK UP A COLLECTION to raise money to find new ways to spread their commie propaganda.


OK, to be honest, I’m bringing this up to link to this great post by Robert Scheer which hits me where I live a bit (the comments are decidedly mixed, though, and like others I’m sure, I’m still pondering this whole issue, though I retract what I said yesterday not one bit).

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