Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"Double Plus Good, That!"

Somehow, I don't think George Orwell realized quite how prophetic he would be.

It turns out that our esteemed Congress is going to turn a blind eye to Dubya's domestic spying in their ongoing effort to invalidate the U.S. Constitution.

I have only one question in response to that. Would you like your Victory Gin for here or to go?

The blogger georgia10 over at The Daily Kos was quite rightly in a fit over this yesterday. Given that, I think the typos should be excused (along with some typical freeper taunts in the I've said, the right-wing sites and their slavish followers are basically a distraction, and if they ever provide something close to an informed opinion about something, it is nothing more than an accident.)

Update 1 2/15: Glenn Greenwald provides an outstanding analysis on this entire situation.

Update 2 2/15: And why stop at illegal spying, by the way? Why not try to totally squash dissent while you're at it?


Constant said...

Hi The Liberal Doomsayer,

Thanks for talking about Snowe and the WaPo article. Fortunately, there's a solution to their inaction--here's how it works: [ Click ]

The States can compel Congress to face this issue, and not cower to the White House non-sense. Here is what you can do: Click.

Let others know: They need to call their State legislators and have them discuss this issue, and issue a proclamation calling for Bush's impeachment. There's nothing the President, RNC, or Congress can do to stop this process.

Don't lose hope, there's a way to force Congress and the White House to face this NSA issue.

Stay determined, and best wishes!

- Constant -

doomsy said...

I contacted a state legislator in PA who didn't blow me off entirely but said he'd do what he could. I'll try to contact another Democrat also. The state rep and senator in my district (Steil and Conti) are actually moderate guys, with Conti getting ready to step down, but they're Repugs after all. I'll try to contact someone else.

Thanks for the good words and your efforts also.