Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Condi Needs A New Pair Of Shoes

(I love the look on her face in this story, by the way, a variation of which we’ve seen so often over lo these many years…typical Repug – always ready for a fight).

This country is supposed to be diverse, Madame Secretary. We’re not supposed to get special awards for that.

And I also love the bland generalizations about “What we’re supposed to do about race in this country,” by the way. Are you prepared to lead a panel discussion of Republicans and Democrats meeting with everyday Americans on this issue (and note that, by offering a bipartisan makeup of the panel, I’m taking a lead that you own party isn’t prepared to follow concerning the makeup of the so-called “Katrina Commission”).

(Actually, I think she’s more correct in her remarks than she realizes, but in typical Repug fashion, she’s twisting the context. Yes, this, in part, is “a vestige of the Old South,” which you and your fellow Repugs have encouraged and cultivated, beginning with Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaign in 1980 that began in Philadelphia, Mississippi, scene of some this country’s most horrific racial violence).

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