Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore brings us the latest on Mango Mussolini threatening to sic the military on his political opponents in an interview with that shrieking harpie Maria Bartiromo, who engages in some typically disgusting demagoguery on her own to set up Bronzer Beelzebub for his “slam dunk” (and Bartiromo is too far gone to care about the clear and present danger posed by Our Ochre Abomination of course)...and even with Biden’s admitted diminished capacity, I would LOVE to watch Cantaloupe Capone try to go bike riding with “No Malarkey Joe,” assuming Our Treasonous Orange Man-Baby could keep his bulbous butt on the seat without sliding off (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and David Shuster tells us about Jessica Tarlov continuing to dish out some reality to those hyenas on “The Five” in the matter of President Biden supposedly not providing relief to states hit by Hurricanes Helene and Milton...I didn’t know that about the Gropenfuhrer just about totally denying relief funds to Roy Cooper of North Carolina, but that sure fits the profile...and “Tampon Tim”? Coming from “Diaper Boy”? Truly, it is to laugh (at Our Treasonous Orange Pustule, I mean)...

...and don’t look now, but Combover Caligula recently stranded individuals who decided to attend a recent Bund rally at Coachella in California, as Ben Meiselas of The Midas Touch Network tells us...and by the way, I’m waaay past the point of actually feeling sorry for these Trumpist life forms who get stranded after #45’s ridiculous hate-filled rallies of his...yeah, blame the mayor of Coachella; that’ll work (and kudos to actor Bryan Cranston for standing up)...

...and this “60 Minutes” segment profiles Al Schmidt, who is the current Secretary for the Commonwealth of PA. regarding the question of how secure voting is in PA (spoiler alert...EVERYTHING IS FREAKING FINE!!!)...I don’t know who this reporter is, but I think either her or her producer dropped the ball on this story; she didn’t even mention Act 77, which reformed mail-in voting in PA (more here) – Repugs supported it because they wanted to get rid of straight-ticket voting, and Dems agreed to that because it expanded mail-in voting...and by the way, Dems are trying to advance a bill in Harrisburg to allow for counting mail-in ballots prior to election day (here), but it probably won’t go anywhere because PA Repugs want their bogus voter ID requirements to be enshrined in PA law (and once again, voter ID is a “solution” in search of a problem... in case you think there ISN’T a purely political motivation behind voter ID in our beloved commonwealth, I would ask that you read this)...

...and RIP Lilly Ledbetter, whose fight for equal pay for equal work led to the paycheck fairness law that bears her name...

...and I have to admit that I went back and forth on this next item a bit, but I decided to include it, and please allow me to “go meta” again with this explanation (hope it’s not too boring).

When I started doing this forever ago, it wasn’t to show the world how allegedly brilliant my prose is. It was (then as now) to promote informed dialogue. If I thought that I could add some explanation to clear up any possible misunderstanding about an issue, I thought I had a right to add it, and I still feel that way. And one of those issues has to do (a bit tangentially I guess) with the incident pictured above, which took place on this day in 1968 (and which led to this idiocy from Brent Musberger, and as far as I know, Musberger has never apologized for it).

To me, there is a direct line between the 1968 Olympic protest of John Carlos and Tommie Smith and that of Colin Kaepernick, taking a knee during the anthem as he did because of police violence which overwhelmingly impacts African Americans (and no, he wasn’t disrespecting our military). The latest example of this is this madness around the police stop of Tyreek Hill of the Miami Dolphins (and not for nothing, but if anyone thinks the NFL didn’t collude to keep out Kaepernick for his protest, then you must live in a magical land of cotton candy, elves and unicorns; I’ve seen so much mediocrity in the allegedly wonderful NFL that I find it impossible to believe that Kaepernick could not have gotten a job as a backup quarterback AT LEAST for SOMEBODY).

(By the way, if you want, you can consider this a bit of a “make up” for the fact that I pretty much ignore Black History Month in February, largely because I think people of all nationalities, ethnicities and gender preferences should be celebrated all the freaking time and not just for a single month. And no, I'm also not saying you have the right to argue with cops when they tell you to do something...I'm just looking for good judgment and common sense on the part of everyone.)

Feel free to disagree of course, on this item as well as anything else (which comes with the territory when you put your opinion out there like this I know), but I think this needed to be said (and I think this tune fits for this topic also).

Update 1: And no sooner did I put this out there when this appears (h/t Eschaton), which reinforces the need for Smith/Carlos/Kaepernick’s protests as far as yours truly is concerned.

Update 2: More food for thought on this topic is here.

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