Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Emma Vigeland of The Majority Report tells us about Bronzer Beelzebub calling into the program of the also-thoroughly-odious Hugh Hewitt, with 45 slobbering over potential new real estate in Gaza...yeah, let’s just build skyscrapers on top of the bodies of dead Palestinians, including kids – what a plan!...and you can indeed argue that the ongoing genocide in that region is built on the model we used against the Native Americans, and other countries used against other indigenous populations, to be fair.

(And by the way, please allow me to articulate the following once more...yes, we should do all we can to bring home any hostages from Hamas’s beyond-cowardly 10/7/23 attacks that can still be rescued and provide a decent burial for those who have perished, and the vile Hamas cretins responsible should be brought to justice and tried in an international court...and THEN we need to step up and lead talks with EVERYONE in the region including Palestinians – spare me this “Abraham Accords” business! – about ending those damn West Bank settlements, rebuilding Gaza and sharing land between Israel and the Palestinians in as non-punitive a way as possible for all sides. Oh, and I wouldn’t mind seeing “Bibi” facing charges of crimes against humanity either.)

With that admittedly boring pretext out of the way, here's the Majority Report segment (NSFW/H)...

...and in response to the Gropenfuhrer’s disparaging comments about Detroit, the Harris/Walz campaign released the following ad, which is spot-on (as usual for the campaign...and yeah, I know I’m biased a bit...and by the way, the MLB club ended up doing pretty well this year also)...

...and playing off that, Tim Walz brings some of his typical energy to these remarks about manufacturing jobs lost under Cantaloupe Capone (and oh yeah, ask the Carrier employees in Indiana about how well 45 “protected their jobs”...he actually did for some, but most of the jobs went offshore, and the remaining employees had to work 8-10 hours a day, 7 days a week...here)...

...and most of our corporate media is definitely waaay too goddamn slow when it comes to “getting the memo” about Our Ochre Abomination, but not Chris Hayes, quite rightly calling what’s taking place a “slow motion insurrection”...yeah, Couch Boy has made it pretty clear that he’ll do the bidding of The Gropenfuhrer without question, as he does in that New York Times interview...also, it seems that 97 election-related lawsuits have been filed by #45 and his allies, to “seed the ground” (as Hayes aptly puts it) to challenge the upcoming vote...Hayes speaks with USC law professor Franita Tolson along with Ian Bassin of the group Protect Democracy, and I know the Stephanopoulos segment with “MAGA Mike” Johnson is a repeat, but I think it’s still timely...and boy, is Bassin ever right to call out our “fourth estate” when it comes to the danger posed by Our Demented Orange Toddler...

...and when it comes to journalists who didn’t put up with any BS (as opposed to the individuals now who make “access” to newsmakers their highest priority as opposed to educating and informing their audience...and gee, who might I be referring to? It’s on the tip of my tongue), a true role model as far as yours truly is concerned was Donald Barlett, who just left us (one example is here)...I thought this clip contained some interesting insights into the New York Times (which isn’t surprising as far as I’m concerned) and the issues that corporate America wants reporters to cover and which ones it wants reporters to leave alone...by the way, the Center for Immigration Studies is a wingnut outfit; I have to admit that I’m surprised that they produced this clip...

...and I don’t see any local area stops for this band on their tour schedule (unless they dropped by already), but if I find one or more, I’ll update that here...like the sound of this newer tune.

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