Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Brian Tyler Cohen gives us some clips of last night’s VP debate between Tim Walz and J.D., Couch Boy sez we need to be energy independent; uh, yeah, and as Cohen points out, that is EXACTLY what Biden and Harris have been working on (creating about 800K manufacturing jobs), as well as the fact that 150K manufacturing jobs left this country when Our Ochre Abomination was in charge; and I thought Tim Walz made a great move to put climate change in the context of what our farmers are dealing with... I’m also glad that Walz mentioned the bill from Repug U.S. Sen. James Lankford that would address what Combover Caligula is screeching about on the border, but #45 wanted Lankford’s bill killed so Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence would have the issue to demagogue about instead...also, it was more than a bit of a tell that Peter Thiel’s puppet Vance wouldn’t acknowledge that NOTHING GODDAMNED ILLEGAL HAPPENED in the 2020 election (here)...Walz needed to at least hold his own last night, and it looks like that happened, so it sounds to me like mission accomplished...

...and I don’t recall that much was said about the “tech bros” supporting Vance in pursuit of a pretty hardcore neocon agenda, but Rachel Maddow covered that pretty well here...and shocker! This all leads back to the at-least-as-nutty Curtis Yarvin...and yeah, we need a CEO/dictator instead of a fully funded, staffed and functioning government – in some insane universe that is (and sure, go ahead and abuse our military yet again for their commitment to protect our way of life by so easily wanting to hand it over to fascists and tin pot dictators)...

...and pertaining to the Repug presidential and VP ticket, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 10/3/20, in which we learn about all of the individuals Combover Caligula exposed to COVID after he was exposed to Hope Hicks, his White House communications director, who herself tested positive (and #45 eventually tested positive also of course)...typical of his utterly lackadaisical attitude in the face of a global pandemic (more on that is here)...

...and Jesse Dollemore lets us know about the head of the Alabama Supreme Court, Tom Parker (seriously, that’s his name, with no “colonel” added) expressing his support for something called the “seven mountains mandate” which calls on evangelical Christians to “reshape American law and society based on their beliefs” ( wonder these nematodes support Couch Boy)...oh, and Parker is also calling for his sheep-like followers to pray against a measure that would allow African Americans to have another congressional district...and excuse me while I go out on a bit of a limb here, but somehow I can’t imagine that such a matter is “front of mind” for The Almighty, but what do I know? (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and in somewhat of a related vein (e.g., appealing to wingnuts), Kyle Kulinski (definitely not him) brings us the story of Derrick Anderson, a Repug politician who decided to pose in what appears to be a family, the problem is that THIS ISN’T HIS FAMILY; I think Kyle is spot-on when he says that these Philistines are trying to find any way to communicate the message that SEE? WE REALLY DON’T HATE WOMEN AND WANT TO DEPRIVE THEM OF THE RIGHT TO MAKE THEIR HEALTH CARE DECISIONS! WHAT ARE YOU, SOME GODLESS, ABORTION-LOVING LIB??!! (NSFW/H)...

...and I hope you’re in the mood for a newer and self-affirming tune, because here it comes.

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