Friday, October 04, 2024

Friday Stuff

Lawrence O’Donnell gives us a deeper dive into the latest filing from Jack Smith – gee, looks like Mike Pence took notes, huh? Too bad for Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence...and why did I know that John Eastman was the Trumpist bootlicker trying to plead the case for Mango Mussolini (and I’m sure Eastman will end up in the slam for a looong time, which is exactly what he deserves)...I think O’Donnell kind of trips over himself a bit from about 3:18 to 3:24, but you get the idea that the Electoral College Act forbade what Eastman had in mind and it seems like he and #45 wanted Mike Pence to do the dirty work with getting the slates of fake electors to the state legislatures for confirmation, but Pence wouldn’t go along – never thought I’d be giving Pence credit for anything, but I guess I have to even though he acted out of legal self-preservation...and yeah, Couch Boy made it pretty obvious on Tuesday that he would do what Pence wouldn’t (more here)...

...and I kind of put this on the back burner because of other more timely stuff, but Steve Shives (who previously sat in for Jesse Dollemore, though Jesse is back now) lets us know that Our Ochre Abomination’s latest scam is to sell crappy watches to his sheep-like followers, and for $110 grand? Truly, it is to laugh; indeed, the grift never ends...and “not on our watch,” huh? Nicely done...and that goes not just for Combover Caligula and his “mini me,” but we have to VOTE BLUE UP AND DOWN THE DAMN BALLOT, PEOPLE! (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and in keeping with Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence, Brian Tyler Cohen lets us know that #45 was caught typically trying to lie his way out of the fact that people are leaving his little Bund rallies early...and yeah, there was a hurricane in Flori-DUUH! all right Bronzer about the fact that wide swaths of the Southeast up to North Carolina were PULVERIZED by Hurricane Helene, and maybe instead of that typical Ivermectin scam of yours, you could put up an 800 number and a URL onscreen for people to make donations for Helene’s victims? Oh, but that doesn’t help your grift of course...I can dream, can’t I?...and GREAT point about how easy it would be for despots to get Cantaloupe Capone to bait him into doing what THEY want, given how easy it is to get under his skin...

...and of course our thoroughly corrupted SCOTUS did an awful lot to try and establish the leader of Cult 45 as dictator, in the beyond-awful event of Biden’s ruinous predecessor somehow getting another shot at power in An Oval Office...with that in mind, John Oliver take a look at our court system, including circuit courts, state appellate courts, and of course Leonard Leo – and yeah, we already knew that Leo was a lying scumbag, but this segment emphasizes that also...and good for focusing on overturning the Chevron doctrine and the truly huge number of times Chevron was successfully cited as a precedent (and I would say that that was truly a mask-off moment with Gorsuch when he was trying to do his “man of the people” bit...GMAFB!)...

...and at a certain point, I guess you just have to laugh a bit, albeit through clenched teeth (here - incredibly NSFW//H)...

...and the prior clips had to do with political BS, but this one has to do with life and death unfortunately...Mike Figueredo informs us that a South Carolina woman named Amari Marsh was charged with murder after a miscarriage...and yeah, the fact that this lady was contacted BY A GODDAMN COP FOR HER MISCARRIAGE is the first fluorescent red light flashing all over the place...and by the way, cops investigating miscarriages is definitely a thing in South American “Catholic” countries, but I guess we’re officially a third world nation now and I missed the memo (NSFW/H also)...

...and related to the prior clip, Thom Hartmann asks if Texas has outlawed health care for women, given that four counties in “the land of the yellow rose” have passed travel bans saying that, if you transport a woman through that county to get an abortion, you can be sued for up to $10K...also, Repugs are trying to prevent abortion legalization measures from getting passed in Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio, and other anti-women’s healthcare nonsense is going on in other states also, including trying to prevent pro abortion rights petitioners from getting signatures...I hope I’m wrong of course, but I can’t see how this won’t lead to violence somehow...

...and in musical news, today is the 10th anniversary of the death of Paul Revere (of The Raiders, mainly from the ‘60s)...would you believe me if I told you that I accidentally ran into him swimming in a pool at a Residence Inn in Laurel, Maryland? I didn’t realize who it was at first; he struck up a conversation, and at first I thought, what’s the deal with this guy? Then, as we talked, he found a way to work into the conversation that he was a musician, and it came up who he really was; I probably should have recognized him sooner (and I later checked out what he said, and he was right of course...he mentioned that a band member was from Eugene, Oregon, which is correct...turns out it's Mark Lindsay), and I was definitely blown away when we talked with him (I was with our son)...I ran some of the band’s legendary song titles past him, and the smile on his face was electric enough to light up a whole room; I honestly think it was him...damn nice guy...RIP.

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