Monday, April 01, 2024

Monday Stuff

Sam and Emma of The Majority Report bring us the latest on the Gaza carnage Israel continues to inflict in response to the Hamas attack on October 7th (and Dem U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland quite rightly rips “Bibi” in response to the UNRWA charges...yeah, let’s cut funding based on the alleged actions of 14 people related to 10/7, considering that we’re talking about an organization of 13,000 people, as noted in the video...more here)...

Update: I'm loathe to automatically side with Syria and Iran, and I know we need to learn more about this...I pray it isn't an escalation, but I don't see any other conclusion right now.

...and Really American/Chip Franklin do a good job IMO on putting the whole “Biden tied up in the pickup truck” thing in the right insane Trumpian context, connecting the dots to Bannon, Mike Flynn, and all the treasonous lunatics behind 1/6/21...and everybody who justified Bronzer Beelzebub’s recent “bloodbath” comment should feel pretty damn stoo-pid right now...

...oh, and did you hear about the idiot Repug pol in Michigan (Matt Maddock) who thought illegal aliens on buses were being escorted by police, when in reality it was the Gonzaga college men’s basketball team (who ended up losing to Purdue)...just say “oops” and get out (here)...

...and when it comes to financial matters for the “party of Lincoln,” Farron Cousins tells us why they’re worse off that we knew, based on a report from The Daily Beast (great news)...

...and Leeja Miller takes a good, hard look at the potential impact of AI in our elections, as well as looking at what has already transpired around the world...interesting explanation about “Googlebombing” and Dubya in particular...also didn’t know about usual, Miller does a great job IMO of outlining the issues at stake from bad actors abusing this technology, and she’s absolutely right about a national media literacy campaign (“DADDIE Saves The Day,” huh? Clever)...also, she’s spot-on about Ground News as far as I’m concerned...I know the "D" team is supposed to "take the high road," but I seriously hope we're getting onboard with this stuff since it will be continually used against us (NSFW/H)...

....and I have to admit that I had this newer tune in mind when it comes to the Gaza carnage (related to the first clip) much to do on that score to bring the pressure to bear on all sides to end the utter destruction.

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