Friday, April 05, 2024

Friday Stuff

I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less, and the pic is based on this) from 4/6/20...I have to admit that there are times when I have a hard time dealing with the fact that one of our two major political parties has all but officially nominated an individual for president in this year’s election who is a delusional, lying, narcissistic sociopath, and I have an even harder time with the fact that he has garnered the support that he has despite the fact that we had a pandemic raging out of control under his watch the last time he occupied An Oval Office, along with #45 buying up all of that goddamn corporate debt while we dealt with a plummeting stock market, and to say nothing of the fact that he also likely gave away sensitive intel that quite probably found its way to our enemies...for now, though, I’m going to bring back this clip which, as far as I’m concerned, should be played on a steady rotation every hour until November 5th is over...

...and David Pakman tells us that Bronzer Beelzebub is apparently firing staff and closing field offices, partly to ensure “fealty” to Our Ochre Abomination from the lackeys he does manage to bring on board (and partly, perhaps, because he’s hemorrhaging cash partly because of the ongoing lawsuits...probably waaay too many to count at this point)...

...and with the prior clip in mind, Chris Hayes emphasizes that Tangerine Palpatine, as always, is completely and totally for sale to the highest bidder (and it looks like a predatory used car salesman came to #45’s rescue)...

...and when it comes to the previously noted election, Farron Cousins tells us that RFK Jr. sez Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Trump...The Kennedy scion should’ve just stuck to his anti-vax quackery – that was bad enough (Cousins pretty patiently and thoroughly IMO debunks this utter nonsense...”BIDEN DELETED MY INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT,” which absolutely DID NOT FREAKING HAPPEN, YOU LOON!!!).

And by the way, isn't this just too precious...

Update 4/8/24: Giving Away The Game 101.

...and I apologize for being a little late with this, but Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott pushed back pretty well I think against the wingnut accusations thrown his way in response to the Key Bridge collapse, with the usual suspects calling Scott the “DEI” mayor, as if that has one damn thing to do with that utterly awful tragedy, assuming it’s even true of course (and by the way, about that, it looks like this got the “memory hole” treatment from our corporate media...NSFW/H)...

...oh, but don’t think that this means that the “party of Lincoln” isn’t going to keep doing every damn thing in the world to marginalize and disenfranchise women also...Thom Hartmann discusses the Repug Plan to Not Let Women Vote After the ’24 Election (Thom mentions that wackadoodle Mark Robinson, and Coulter of course...most of the clip discusses the bureaucratic obstacles states could put up to women voting, including inconsistencies of a married name on, say, a passport, versus a single name on a driver’s license, and how that could be disqualifying...Thom also talks about those High Court Philistines under Hangin’ Judge JR trying to make it illegal to mail abortion pills or obtain contraception, and of course those troglodytes at The Heritage Foundation are cheering it all on...truly a “mask off” moment here, though, as far as I’m concerned, the “D” team was asleep all these years when it came to not relegating the utterly odious Comstock Act to the dustbin of history)...

...and Robert Reich reminds us why the “pay no price, bear no burden” bunch absolutely hates anything to do with funding the Internal Revenue Service...yep, the one percent bastards want to skate at our expense, as usual (and with the willing assistance of their political puppets from the “R” Party of course)...

...and I know I already mentioned that last Wednesday would have been the 100th birthday of Marlon Brando, and I probably could have included this clip for the occasion, but I decided not to...however, this tune was inspired a bit by the phrase made famous from the movie, so I thought I’d add it here (I read accounts of Brando disparaging his performance as Terry Malloy in “On The Waterfront,” but there’s no doubt that it resonated with the audience, making it iconic IMO and enduring probably beyond all of our lifetimes).

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