Friday, March 15, 2024

Friday Stuff

(I know my posting has been a bit off recently. I’m hoping to rectify that probably by next week.)

Farron Cousins tells us that Our Ochre Abomination has called for cuts to Medicare and Social Security, which is right out of his party’s wretched playbook I realize and definitely should NOT earn him bonus points with his party’s base of support – we’ll see of course (more here)...

...and Jesse Dollemore discusses the back-and-forth between Trumpist hack Robert Hur and U.S. House Dems Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell in a recent U.S. House hearing over President Biden’s alleged mental lapses in Hur’s joke of a report...

...and Kyle Kulinski tells us about Jon Stewart’s recent commentary where Stewart went after “MAGA authoritarians” (and I realize that Kyle is NEVER going to get it through his head that, YES, THE RUSSIA STUFF WITH #45 WAS GODDAMN REAL!) (NSFW/H)...

...and kudos to Chris Hayes for presenting the difference between the administration of “Dark Brandon” and that of his ruinous predecessor in 21 charts – excellent work...

Update 4/5/24: More great stuff on Biden and the economy here; story has to do with fast food workers in California getting a much-deserved raise.

...and Faiz Shakir of More Perfect Union interviews the man corporate America is most afraid of, and that would be Jonathan Kanter of the DOJ’s antitrust division, for going after some of the people rigging the casino of our economy (including Agri Stats, an “intermediary” company impacting the meat processing industry, and if you’ve never heard of Agri Stats either, then that makes at least two of us...and I’d also never heard the term “choke point economy” either, and as far as I’m concerned, a non-compete agreement for a McDonald’s worker is absolutely ridiculous)...

...and this is sure a punch in the gut to end the week, sadly; RIP Karl Wallinger of World Party.

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