Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Beau brings us the story of Our Treasonous Orange Nightmare encouraging Russia to attack NATO (definitely picked up on Beau’s sarcasm about Trumpers supposedly having read the Constitution...and yeah, it’s pretty much “game, set, match” for Bronzer Beelzebub’s claim about not supporting a NATO member country based on Article 5 of the treaty... can’t think of a word to describe the sociopathy of somebody criticizing that international organization for allegedly not paying its bills when the accuser may be the world’s biggest deadbeat)...

...and John of TYT addresses the dustup over RFK Jr.’s Super Bowl ad...nice that Jr. apologized, but I thought the excuse of “oh, I didn’t know what my Super PAC would do” is totally lame, and apparently Jr. is keeping a tweet with the ad pinned on his X account, or something, as John says; here’s my question, though – who seriously thinks that ad is going to do something for Jr. one way or the other? To me, it looks like a bunch of rich bastards with too much time and money on their hands decided to do something to “piss off the libs”...the only people who will recognize what this ad is trying to do are folks who actually voted for JFK way back when or their kids (like me)...

...and this Rebel HQ clip features some nice work by Dem U.S. House Rep Susan Wild of PA-07 making the case for unionized employees in favor of their non-unionized counterparts, in terms of having better wages and benefits...and of course, this Mark Mix character keeps repeating “why don’t non-unionized employees join a union on their own?” when in fact, as Wild points out, non-unionized employees are very much discouraged from doing that by their employers (see what happened when we tried to get the EFCA passed), though increased union baseline salaries are also beneficial to non-unionized employees doing similar work...and yeah, this union carpenters guy for Trump is about as out to lunch as you can expect...I can take or leave Jackson White, but nice work by Alex Wagner in that clip (and I’m sure it’s not surprising to find out that Mix is tied to Charles Koch; that and more odious garbage on so-called “right to work” can be found here)...

...and Thom H. said that Neil Gorsuch in particular referred to Dementia J. Trump as our current president during the recent SCOTUS arguments over removing #45 from the ballot in Colorado...interesting rehash of the 2000 election, specifically about Sandra Day O’Connor not wanting to resign while a Dem was in the White House, and Al Gore should have been there based on the Miami-Dade votes that were FINALLY counted after it didn’t matter anymore...also, interesting speculation on where our politicians in robes on the High Court could take this whole matter – not holding my breath for a just outcome either from these frauds...

...and Lawrence O’Donnell touched on some of what Beau discussed previously (good job to take a shot at the fourth estate on trying to make Biden’s age this year’s “BUT HER EMAILS!!!”), but O’Donnell adds a lot of important historical context IMO...”the flawlessly uninformed people at (Trump’s) rally”...spot-on...and here comes another “sir,” story, which means Our Traitorous Orange Meat Sack is lying once again...one of the reasons why this commentary is terrific is because O’Donnell cites FDR, Eisenhower and Gerald Ford, all of whom had more integrity in their little fingers than Combover Caligula has in his corpulent, fast-food-bloated, cowardly body (yes, Ford was wrong in that debate for sure as O’Donnell points out, but read about how Ford almost died in the Pacific in WWII when a typhoon hit his aircraft carrier...what guts to get through that...the individuals who should pay heed the most to this commentary are the life forms such as the one driving the vehicle with the sticker shown above, but good luck with that I know...more here)...

...and yesterday marked the 100th anniversary of the first performance of “Rhapsody in Blue” by George Gershwin.

Update: Apologies for not pointing this out MUCH earlier, but there is actually a special election in Lower Bucks County today for the state PA-140 house seat vacated by Dem John Galloway (who was elected as a judge). Please slog through the snow and get to your polling place to vote for Dem Jim Prokopiak; you’ll feel the warm glow of satisfaction in the midst of the winter cold, and you’ll be doing yourself a favor by keeping the house under Democratic control.

Update 2/14/24: AWESOME!

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