Monday, February 26, 2024

Monday Stuff

David Pakman tells us that Our Ochre Abomination is literally planning mass deportations and detention camps, according to reporting in the WaPo, in the beyond-horrible possibility that Our Treasonous Orange Pustule were to gain the reins of power again...and if you think, “well, he’s only talking about LGBTQ people, Muslims and other minorities and brown-skinned types and others I don’t like, and he would NEVER come after MEEEEE,” then you must be living under a rock (more here)...

...and one of those who would enthusiastically help Mango Mussolini achieve this hideous reality is this execrable life form named Jack Posobiec, who recently said that he wants to get rid of democracy and apparently replace it with some “Christian” nationalist theology, or some such treasonous garbage (Mike Figueredo explains)...I know the temptation is to apply scorn and ridicule towards these freaks like Posobiec, and that is deserved, but we shouldn’t laugh them off because of the presence of Project 2025, which provides the framework for the garbage Posobiec and his pals want (including this Russell Vought character...more here)...NSFW/H...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen offers more proof that that disgraced quitter of an ex-college football coach Tommy Tuberville may be truly the stoo-pidest biped life form in this country (hard to beat Louie Gohmert, but I think Tuberville has)...the Repug Alabama U.S. Senator is too dumb of course to form an intelligent answer on the law making it harder for the residents in his state to conceive via IVF (and OF COUURRSE Dobbs is cited as a precedent...HRC said these lunatics are coming after contraception next, and she has a disturbing habit of being right about this stuff)...I’m glad Cohen’s video includes the clips of the young couples whose lives have been turned upside down by this fundamentalist insanity...

Update 2/27/24: Keep digging that hole, Coach, you moron (here).

...and Leeja Miller explains why 3rd parties won’t save us...good point that they seem to rise concurrent with over-the-top wealth gains by the investor class...I’d like to see a bit of a deeper dive into the $$ behind Dr. Jill Stein and RFK, but the video is comprehensive enough...excellent discussion of “Uber Alles” Buchanan in ’00 and Flori-DUUUH’s ridiculous “butterfly ballot” fiasco in Palm Beach County...and oh yeah, we should NEVER let Ralph Freaking Nader off the hook either...good discussion about “proportional representation” in other countries (including Denmark) and how we really should be moving towards that (NSFW/H)...

...and I thought Beau provided some great push-back here on the question of Biden and student loan forgiveness (apparently the latest round will benefit 150K people and a billion dollars, but the REAL overall numbers are $138 billion and 3.9 million people...and I’m sure the Repugs and their “think tanks” are finding ways to bubble up lawsuits through our courts to try and shut all of this down, because that’s all they’re good for....”A billion here, a billion there...pretty soon you’re talking about real money” indeed – more on the SAVE plan is here)...

...and RIP Sun Records drummer Jimmy Van Eaton, who “brought the sticks” for “The Killer” Jerry Lee, Billy Lee Riley, and others on that label.

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