Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Stuff

I realize I’m playing catch up on a lot of this stuff because the week got away from me a bit, but here it is anyway...Kyle Kulinski tells us about John Oliver’s recent bit on paying Clarence “I Want To Be Rich” Thomas $1 million a year along with throwing in a $2.4 mil RV if he’d get his mangy ass off the Supreme Court (as is so often a case anymore, we need a comedian to lead the way into informed discourse)...

...and staying with the High Court of Hangin' Judge JR, Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about “Strip Search Sammy” Alito acting like he wants to overturn Obergefell, which Thomas has already signaled he wants to do also, with Alito’s alleged reasoning being that extending basic human rights and protections to same-sex couples somehow offends the delicate sensibilities of alleged “Christians” like Alito...and these Philistines actually wonder why church attendance is down in this country (no controlling these freaks except to try and pack the court, which Biden won’t do of course)...

....and going from intolerance in court to intolerance in state government, MSNBC’s Katy Tur interviews an Alabama couple directly impacted by their state’s recent ruling on frozen embryos that may necessitate shutting down that state's IVF clinic (more here...and on this, I give you another example of Political Opportunism 101 here...more on the nutzoid behind this barbarity is here)...

...and Beau tells us that the “party of Lincoln” assclowns in the U.S. House apparently got ahold of some intel about Russia SOMETHING SOMETHING SATELLITE SOMETHING SOMETHING NUCLEAR and proceeded to lose their damn minds, though they decided to take their two-week vacation anyway...more to come on this I’m sure, but considering the source, I’m definitely not convinced of anything (not a knock on Beau, I wish to emphasize)...

...and if we’re talking about the alleged loyal opposition, we have to devote some time to the story of their alleged source on the alleged world-shattering Biden corruption, Alexander Smirnov, who turned out to be a Russian agent, and now these bottom feeders are scrambling to get rid of any mention of Smirnov, as well as acting like “oh, him? Why, we didn’t know anything about him. Who is he again?”...utterly wretched...and isn’t it just too precious to see that disgusting harpie and alleged “news” person Harris Faulkner casually ask if Christopher Wray should go to prison, which would be repulsive even if the Smirnov stuff did NOT turn out to be utter BS...and oh yeah, let’s not forget “Cancun” Ted (“PODCAST!”) Cruz also (Jesse Dollemore tells us about it...more here)...NSFW/H...

...and this newer tune has a bit of a dark twist to it, but it’s still a pretty cool rocker to help us get ready for the weekend...hope it’s a good one for one and all.

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