Monday, February 05, 2024

Monday Stuff

Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about Marjorie Trailer Trash Greene’s typically disgusting new attack on Ilhan Omar and this misinterpretation of what Omar said about this breakaway portion of Somalia, and oh yeah, Cori Bush too while they’re at it, led by this Troy Nehls life form who only wants to see Dementia J. Trump installed for another term, the good of the country be damned – I still don’t like ”defund the police” as a slogan (embraced by Bush), but I support the underlying policy of reallocating police budgets to provide more funds for communities in the way of funding for early childhood and pre-K development, job training, housing assistance, etc., and I know Bush does too, to her credit (and the Leeja Miller video that shows up soon gets into how much $$ politicians and government officials need to spend on security, so the $42K video for her husband sounds reasonable IMO; actually, it sounds like a bargain)...NSFW/H...

...and speaking of Miller, she brings us her first video of the new year on political violence...I have to admit that I didn’t know how widespread the problem was until she started listing all of the states where these incidents occurred, though I knew it was bad; the info on election officials was particularly jarring IMO...the amount of threats since Our Treasonous Orange Overlord seized power is eye opening, but I guess it shouldn’t be surprising (and it’s pretty plain what Marjorie Traitor Greene and Lex Luthor Scott are, but that doesn’t justify violence and “swatting” against them or anyone else – “The call is coming from inside the house, and it has the potential to take us all down with it.”; also, kudos to Miller for giving us ideas on a “way forward” potentially out of this mess, which, as far as I’m concerned, includes throwing #45’s mangy ochre ass in the slam, and I don’t care how butt-hurt his guttural followers get over that...NSFW/H)...

...and Jesse Dollemore informs us of Laura Ingraham and Baby Newton Leroy Gingrich screeching about “OMIGOD, THAT ‘WOKE’ JAMES LANKFORD IS GOING TO GIVE BIDEN A WIN ON IMMIGRATION – HE CAN’T DO THAT...THAT’S TRUMP’S ISSUE!” (spoiler alert – Lankford is indeed a Trumper with a staunchly conservative voting record, in case nobody knew that somehow)...

...and Beau discusses President Biden’s “measured response” to the drone attack that killed our three service people...the bottom line to me is that we just don’t know yet if there will be a “response to the response” as Beau admits, but from all accounts, it looks like this was a prudent move by #46, particularly in that it apparently didn’t strike inside Iran, God forbid...

...and RIP actor and former football player Carl Weathers...have to include a clip from the incredibly PC-incorrect ‘80s film “Action Jackson,” which is a lot of fun IMO if you’re in the mood...

...and in the milestone department, I also should mention that last Saturday was the 65th anniversary of the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper (here)...I should probably include “American Pie” here for the occasion, but to be honest, I really can’t freaking stand hearing that song any more, so as a compromise, here’s Don McLean performing a Holly tune (absolutely love the bottleneck guitar on this one).

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