Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Apparently, U.S. House Repugs have done what they do best, and that is to get in line behind a fairly nondescript, corporatist white guy who checks all the wingnut checkboxes (and approved by Trump of course) and make him U.S. House Speaker – how pathetic (more here, here, here, here, here, here, and here).

And by the way, as Jesse Dollemore points out here, Mike Johnson of Louisiana was one of the 7 of 9 overall speaker candidates who voted against certifying President Biden’s election (oh, and as noted here, Johnson “double dipped” while he allegedly served in state government, picking up “tens of thousands” in fees on a legal team representing the state in a federal court trial over abortion clinic restrictions)...

Update 1: And this was a typically charming moment also featuring "Granny Clampett" Virginia Foxx (apologies to Irene Ryan).

...and ZOMG! “Dark Brandon” was comped with a $200K payback from his brother for what I guess was a family loan..I guess the “scandal” is that Biden does his best to take care of his family..??? (more nonsense from James Comer and U.S. House Republicans...Jayar Jackson and Viviana Vigil discuss)...

Update 2: When it comes to political figures (which SCOTUS justices are, let's not forget) and alleged financial shenanigans (real in this case, IMO), I'm sure Comer and his pals won't have a word to say about this.

...well, for some more positive U.S. political news, Faron Cousins tells us that Ruben Gallego is pretty much cleaning the metaphorical clocks of Kari Lake and “Curtsy Kyrsten” Sinema in fundraising, though we indeed do have a looong way to go until November ’24 – to help Gallego, click here...

...and it looks like, if you imagine that you’re going to criticize Israel in any way whatsoever, you’re going to be met with a whole bunch of SHUTUP SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP SHUTUP!!!!!, as Dave Chappelle recently found out, though he also criticized Hamas, as well he should (Kyle Kulinski tells us more)...

...and speaking of African American entertainment icons (I guess Chappelle qualifies), RIP Richard Roundtree – I once read an interview where he said that, to portray John Shaft, he pretended he was really director Gordon Parks (an icon in his own right IMO), since that’s the way Parks acted, and Roundtree meant it as a tribute of sorts...

...and I guess The New Basement Tapes is the latest supergroup of sorts to come along (I detected The Living Elvis, but I’m a little fuzzy on the other members)...I thought this was a well-done tune.

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