Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thursday Stuff (updates)

I’d like to offer “thoughts and prayers” for real to the families and friends of the victims of the latest mass gun carnage in this country in Lewiston, Maine (particularly for the father who believes his son was one of the victims), and I’m sorry that that sounds like the typical pat, nothing response at times like this. For that reason, I think I should give what I believe is a more concrete explanation that has a lot to do with this horrible tragedy:
  • U. S. House Democrats passed a renewal of the assault weapons ban last year, as noted here (with all but 2 Repugs voting in favor while all others opposed it).
  • The renewal of the ban died in the U.S. Senate because it didn’t meet the magical 60-vote threshold for passage (here), with just about every Republican opposing, along with “President” Joe Manchin and “Curtsy Kyrsten” refusing to get rid of the stinking filibuster (if that were gone, only a simple majority vote would be needed).
  • That more than any other reason is why mass gun slaughter continues in this country (with the typical garbage, "values voter" nonsense from "MAGA Mike" Johnson on this issue here)...

    Update: Commendable, but more like this - A LOT MORE.

    Update 10/28/23: Good - hopefully he's doing somersaults in hell at this moment.

    ...and speaking of the new, truly awful U.S. House speaker, Brian Tyler Cohen gives us more here...yeah, when you get the endorsement of Matt “Trying To Pick Up Underage Girls, Allegedly Of Course” Gaetz, you have NOTHING to be proud of...I just wish SOMEBODY had asked Johnson if he’d received Trump’s endorsement before he put his name in nomination for speaker, but I’m sure a whole gang of wingnuts would have shouted SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!!! instead of Ol’ Grandma Ginny Foxx (and by the way, this puts Johnson second in line for the presidency, in case we’d forgotten about that...and one of those 18 Repugs in Biden-won districts voting for Johnson is this guy, and to do something about Bri-Fi once and for all, click here)...

    Update 1 10/27/23: The more I think about this stuff, the more if occurs to me that Johnson may have been the guy the wingnuts wanted all along and the stuff with Gym Jordan, Emmer, etc. was just a smokescreen. The way these cretins operate, it wouldn’t surprise me if that were the case.

    Update 2 10/27/23: Given this, let’s make sure that #MAGAMikeJohnson continues to be “the gift that keeps on giving,” in particular when running against those 18 Repug U.S. House Reps from Biden districts (including this guy, and once more, to do something about Bri-Fi, press here).

    Update 3 10/27/23: Uh, yep.

    Update 4 10/27/23: And the hits just keep on coming for the new U.S. House Speaker (here, here, here, here, and here).

    Update 5 10/27/23: I wonder if Johnson will, at some point, wish he could crawl back under the rock he emerged from; too late for that, though (here, here, here, here, here, and here).

    Update 10/30/23: Maybe Johnson needs to spend a little less time with "the good book" (though he likely misinteprets it) and a little more time providing constituent service for real (here...and this is scary AF as far as yours truly is concerned...this stinks too, as does this).

    Update 11/2/23: And this is sketchy AF about "MAGA Mike" too.

    Update 11/10/23: Still more Johnson Christo-fascist garbage is here.

    ...and our wet noodle PA-01 rep likes to tell us all about his involvement in “No Labels”; fortunately; Robert Reich cuts through that BS here...

    ...oh, and in the matter of Ms. SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!!!, I thought this was a good video from The Lincoln Project (boy, would I LOVE to see the @DNC or @DCCC come after her with an "oppo" ad for this, y'know, like Repugs would try to do to us)...

    ...and when it comes to Not Your Father’s Republican Party, it appears that they engaged in a bit of revenge porn against Dem candidate Susanna Gibson running for Virginia state house delegate (District 57 I believe), as Kyle Kulinski tells us...

    ...and happy 70th birthday to Keith Strickland of the B-52s.

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