Monday, October 16, 2023

Monday Stuff

Emma Vigeland of The Majority Report brings us the latest on the U.S. House Speaker mess, with Don Bacon and Austin Scott criticizing their party for acting like the spoiled brats that they truly are; Scott did indeed take a shot at speaker, but lost the vote and said he would support Gym Jordan instead, who would be a typically horrific choice, which probably means Jordan has the best shot...and by the way, all I hear from this guy is crickets, except for some typically bland, milquetoast statement criticizing “extremism”; to do something about Bri-Fi at last, click here...

...and Leeja Miller gives us another well-done IMO clip, this time on The Heritage Foundation, which was founded in 1973 by Paul Weyrich, Edwin Feulner and also Joseph Coors (of Coors Beer)...good job by Miller to discuss the spinoffs of Heritage including ALEC, and the link between Heritage and the Powell Memo (which sprang in part from the regulation of the auto industry on behalf of consumers, to say nothing of linking cigarettes to cancer and warning this country about that also, which hurt Powell’s benefactors at Philip Morris)...didn’t know about the “Mandate for Leadership” that was ready when The Sainted Ronnie R set about trying to destroy our government in 1981, as well as future iterations of that atrocity...also didn’t know about the hand that Heritage played in Bill Clinton’s 1996 welfare “reform” bill, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised...also didn’t know about Heritage’s rebound under Mango Mussolini (with the utterly execrable Jim DeMint leading the way)...and the “Index of Dependency” is another typically repulsive deliverable, if you will, from these guttural bottom feeders...also important to note the State Policy Network (founded in 1992 by Thomas Roe, former board member of Heritage) and their impact at school board and local zoning board/town hall meetings, which Miller discusses, as well as the link to Project 2025 (NSFW/H especially near the end, and yes, her swearing is appropriate IMO)...

...and the latest from Second Thought discusses What Happens To Rich People Under me, the takeaway is that there would still be rich people, but they would accrue wealth within a bottom-up framework in favor of workers instead of the “trickle down” propaganda that has been spoon fed to us by our media among other culprits...personally, I think you should be able to get rich if you also take care of your workforce, but you shouldn’t if you don’t...nice to hear some sanity on the issue of what a socialist economy would actually look like...“The main concern of socialism is equal democratic and economic power”...sounds like a plan!...

...maybe those opposing socialism think it would be like this scene from “Doctor Zhivago” (spoiler alert: it wouldn’t be...clip depicts life immediately after the 1917 Communist revolution in Russia)...

...and speaking of movies, RIP Piper Laurie (clip is from “The Hustler” of course)...

...and RIP also Rudolph Isley of The Isley Brothers.

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