Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore and Brittany Page on the “I Doubt It” podcast discuss alleged Democratic U.S. senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia saying he just wants to “bring people together” while he helps plunge millions of kids in this country into poverty...and Harris Faulkner is every bit as disgusting as usual, and I agree that the woman panelist on that Fix Noise mess should have just said “hey, the child tax credit was expanded in the American Rescue Plan of 2021, which EVERY REPUBLICAN VOTED AGAINST (here and here) and the credit was allowed to sunset, and President Biden is trying to bring it back” and left it at that (more here and here)...

...and Rachel Maddow tells us about the Princeton Gerrymandering Project (and yeah, I agree that it’s not much of a name either), which, fortunately for all of us, is keeping track of the awful gerrymandering going on in (primarily) Repug-run statehouses, leading into a commentary on Janet Protasiewicz winning the state supreme court seat in Wisconsin (Maddow interviews Ben Wikler about it...a link to the site Wikler mentions is here)...

...and David Doel tells us that Mango Mussolini plans to give a speech to the striking UAW members on the same day as another one of these ridiculous Repug “debates” that 45 intends to blow off again...yeah, ask the employees of Carrier in Indiana how much Preznit Fergus Laing looked out for their jobs as noted here (about 80 were saved vs. 600 or so getting offshored)...uh huh (pretty comprehensive report comparing the “R” and “D” teams on this, and props especially to Rashida Tlaib)...

...and it looks like conservative women are slamming Bo-Bo Boebert for her recent antics with her date while they were watching the musical “Beetlejiuce” in that Denver theater...yeah, all the outrage is completely deserved (and how's this for a typically laughable excuse...NSFW/H)...

...and I don’t know a lot about this Mission Democracy group, but this is one hell of an ad, harking back a bit to at least one during World War II where we needed to be on the lookout against insidious forces trying to thoroughly corrupt our way of life, then as now...

...and Adrienne Lawrence Esq. of Rebel HQ discusses the wingnuts going after John Fetterman and the relaxed U.S. Senate dress code (I have a lot of issues with “the world’s greatest deliberative body,” but this definitely isn’t one of them)...

...and the last clip was a bit amusing, but this one couldn’t be more serious; time to give these lunatics trying to turn this country into some kind of Christo-fascist corpocracy the treatment they deserve (from here)...

...and RIP British singer-songwriter Roger Whittaker; I can recall this tune getting played all over the place “back in the day.”

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