Thursday, September 21, 2023

Thursday Stuff

Getting called out by filthy, unkempt liberal bloggers like yours truly is one thing, but when it comes from a hometown TV station that is taking you to task, then I would say that that’s a wholly other matter, as Kyle Clark of 9NEWS Denver recently showed us concerning Bo-Bo Boebert (to do something in response, click here)...

...and Blue Amp Channel gives us an ostensibly humorous item concerning the head of Boebert’s party in the House, and that would be “15 Votes for Speaker” Kevin McCarthy (and from the Reap What You Freaking Sow file, I give you this and this)...

Update: I had a feeling it would be a sh*tshow trying to get anything from the House after the 15 speaker votes lunacy, and it looks like I was right (here).

...and Jesse Dollemore informs us that, apparently, this Shannon Bream person at Fix Noise lamented the fact that Repugs get blamed for government shutdowns...uh, YEAH! (and the bar is set pretty low when Turd Blossom actually looks like a statesman; as usual, it’s all about the “optics” for our corporate media cousins as opposed to, y’know, actual stuff that impacts people’s lives...and here is the latest concerning that trash "news" network)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us here that Our Ochre Abomination would scribble “To Do” lists on the back of classified documents like the demented toddler that he truly’s a video idea in response; I’d like to see someone pretending to be a head of a hostile foreign country with a classified doc they smuggled out of Mar-a-Lago, but then seeing ketchup stains on it or #45’s itinerary, and they have a good laugh over it and the camera freezes just as they’re getting ready to press a button launching an attack against this I think this is funny? Hell freaking no, but maybe something like that could get the attention of the majority of this country that has just come to accept this insanity as so much white noise, and I have to reluctantly add that that includes your humble narrator at times (and if anyone came up with a video like that, it would probably be The Lincoln Project, since we can’t count on anything like that from the @DNC...probably worried about offending independent, Trump-leaning voters in an Ohio diner somewhere)...

...and speaking of The Lincoln Project, this is a pretty solid endorsement of “Dark Brandon” (not like there’s much choice I know, but credit where it’s due, something to give us more reason to support Biden and the Dems given this insanity...and good work by #46 here also)...

...and I should note that, given my pretty thorough disinterest in much of what country music has become, I didn’t know anything about Maren Morris until yesterday, but it looks like she’s had enough of that whole scene based on the following tune and “Get The Hell Out Of Here”...welcome to the fight (more here).

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