Saturday, September 02, 2023

Saturday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that Marjorie Trailer Park Greene recently demanded that Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao resign from the Senate after another episode where McConnell froze in response to a reporter’s question...I have plenty of political issues with the utterly wretched Kentucky U.S. Senator, but despite what he and his pals wish for us, I don’t wish for any illness towards him...yes, you can argue that his health situation means he needs to give it up, but you can say that about Di-Fi on our side too of course as Cousins notes (and yeah, it’s typically cowardly and disgusting for Greene to take swipes at Sen. John Fetterman and #46 – and from that same party, I have a pretty damn low opinion of this person also, who somehow is trying to remain relevant as a candidate for preznit)...

...and I know this video is a few days old, but I still thought it was some pretty relevant stuff from Beau on the water problems in “the land of the yellow rose,” Houston in particular (and this is behind a paywall – sorry – but it takes a good, long, hard look at how corrupt ERCOT is in that state)...

...and Yasmin Khan of Rebel HQ tells us that someone in Alabama associated with the political party that screeches the loudest about voter fraud was nabbed for – wait for it! – voter fraud for real (more here)...

...continuing, Jesse Dollemore gives us more evidence that Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence wants to imprison Dems if, by some utterly nightmarish circumstance, he’s re-elected next year...I can’t believe Glenn Beck is still out there grifting (maybe I shouldn’t be surprised), but that does seem to be the case - and I'll add that book to my reading list (and of course, what would Repug demagoguery be without references to the “Democrat Party”?)...

...also, Cenk, Michael Shure and Aida Rodriguez tell us that Biden has removed pot as a Schedule I drug, moving it to Schedule III (yes, good news, and I’ll admit I don’t know all the legal whys and wherefores, but I STILL don’t know why the $#@! pot dispensaries can’t operate like normal businesses AT LONG FREAKING LAST...I’m good with Cenk here until at about 11:00, arguing that Biden is dishonest because he didn’t fight for the public option in health care reform – I’m not going to go back and research that even though Cenk may be right, but I’m just saying that that’s a rather gratuitous slap at #46 and the Dems...pot legalization and decriminalization polls well with older voters too, though personally I’m more in favor of the latter than the former; there should be conditions behind legalization for recreational use IMO)...

...and RIP Jimmy Buffett...I always liked his songs and I think, more than anything else, he just wanted to put on a good show for folks, which he did for a hell of a long time; my biggest problem was with a-hole yuppies in management who treated their workers like crap, but then would say “Whoo-hoo! Buffett’s coming to the Camden Waterfront (or whatever it’s called now), and I’ve got tickets, so I can put on my parrot head, drink too much and generally act like a total idiot!” or words to that effect of course, but that wasn’t Buffett’s fault...he also did a terrific cover of “Pacing The Cage” by Bruce Cockburn...I’ve referenced this clip from David Letterman in the past, and I’m glad to show it once more now, though I wish it weren’t for this occasion.

Update 9/3/23: Good times.

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