Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Leeja Miller tells us Why Republicans Are So Chauvinist, or something (NSFW/H...interesting analysis of the Barbie movie I have to say, and no, I have no intention of seeing it, though I did see “Oppenheimer,” and as far as I’m concerned, they should just give Christopher Nolan the Oscar now, as well as Cillian Murphy...the important history lesson starts at about 10:48 with Betty Friedan and her book The Feminine Mystique from 1963, and I think it’s safe to say that that book broke a lot of ground...I’d forgotten about exactly what happened with the ERA, but yeah, we can thank Phyllis Schlafly and The Sainted Ronnie R for killing it thus far...”black and white thinking will be the death of us all” – I hope not of course, but we’ll see...also, “Anti-feminism must be understood as part of a larger ecosystem of ideological polarization, social segregation, and misperceptions.” – uh, yep)...

...and Francesca and Nina Turner of The Damage Report tell us more about the recent Jacksonville, FL shooting, with more info on the murderous coward who perpetrated it (I don’t know what Vivek Ramaswamy said about race in that “debate” that was so terrible, but as far as I’m concerned, anyone who has the gall to believe that they can lecture Don Lemon, of all people, about African Americans by saying that they owe whatever civil rights they’ve won to the Second Amendment, as noted here, should not be taken seriously any longer on a damn thing)...

...and Ana of TYT tells us about some alleged health insurer called Corizon Health which supposedly caters to prisons; apparently, they’re looking at lawsuits over alleged malpractice, approximately 475 total...dear God (the video discusses the “Texas Two-Step,” which appears to be some corporate maneuver to escape liability and declare bankruptcy at the same time – bleeping criminals all!)...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report speak with Jon Shelton, author of “The Education Myth: How Human Capital Trumped Social Democracy” (glad to hear Shelton make the connection between public education and trying to be informed citizens in a democracy, which is exactly what the wingnuts want to utterly destroy...also good to hear a fairer take on the Truman Administration; yes, it was a bit of a complicated legacy, but there was “glass half full” stuff for sure, like his education commission as Shelton points out)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that the “one percent” knows that Mango Mussolini can skate in the Repug primary, but he has no shot in the general election (and boy, is Cousins ever right about Repugs falling in line on election day...it will be interesting to see if an alternative to Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence emerges from this motley group, but in the final analysis, I think we should keep this foremost in our thoughts from Will Bunch)...

...and RIP David LaFlamme of It’s A Beautiful Day, with their signature hit from “back in the day.”

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