Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Chris Hayes speaks with journalist Noah Goldberg of the LA Times about the murder of CA shop owner Lauri Carleton, who courageously flew a pride flag over her shop before she was shot to death by some apparently “pro life” lunatic (here) it my imagination, or are there *crickets* from the other side in response to this? I guess that’s not surprising given the wingnut embrace of Kyle Rittenhouse, George Zimmerman, etc...

...and speaking of right-wing insanity, Jayar Jackson and Aida Rodriguez discuss how the wingnuts are realizing (maybe) that their anti-abortion and anti-trans talking points didn’t work in recent related elections in Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin, and aside from trying to suppress younger voters from exercising their franchise, the “party of Lincoln” doesn’t know what to do about it...of course, they could embrace policies shared by the majority of their constituents, but their “funders” wouldn’t like that I’m sure...GREAT point by Rodriguez about the REAL issues the wingnuts don’t want people to focus on, as opposed to trying to “trans” your kids...GMAFB! (and this is the politician Jayar was referring to, by the way; that would be Tim Burchett)...

...oh, and of course another area of attack for the “party of Lincoln” is in education, and one example is Arkansas, where schools are apparently defying Governor Sarah Huckabilly Sanders on teaching AP African American studies; that state’s DOE has ruled that the students won’t receive college credit I believe for the course, but the schools said they’ll go ahead with the course anyway (Rayy Vana, Cenk and Yasmin Khan...kind of a pointless slam by Cenk on Bill Clinton here, but I guess he can make a case for that)...

...oh, and when it comes to the wingnut outrage du jour, Jesse Dollemore tells us how the supposedly responsible opposition is giving it to President Biden for visiting Hawaii (at the scene of the devastating fires) and...petting a dog (here)? – Jesse really lays into the Gropenfuhrer, and I’m here for all of it and more (and meanwhile, apart from the DC media bubble, I give you this)...

...and in this latest video from More Perfect Union (“The Classroom”), Alice Cappelle asks ”Could The U.S. Have a General Strike Like France?”...I wasn’t aware of the U.S. overtaking Europe in the late ‘70s when it came to who worked more hours, but it does fit the sorry pattern of that era..and of course Maggie Thatcher (a “man in a frock,” according to the late, great Glenda Jackson) brought neoliberalism to the UK, and to the EU by extension...I’m not sure about the answer to the question either, especially since some states have passed laws making protests illegal (here), but that doesn’t mean that we should give up trying to organize...

...and considering what I’m sure may the unintentional hilarity of the nonsense from tonight’s GOP “debate” (pretty much a “race for second place” as those who spend more time preoccupied with this stuff than I do have pointed out), I didn’t think it would hurt to present something amusing for real, especially since this tune went gold 45 years ago on this day.

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