Monday, August 21, 2023

Monday Stuff

Rayy Vana and Jackson White of The Damage Report bring us the news that a 3-year-old child died on one of Greg Abbott’s migrant forced bus rides ("oh, but they signed a waiver promising a job and a place to live"...more lies), this time to Chicago, and apparently at least one other child that we know about expired also for the same reason...if we had a government that actually represented us, we would have congressional hearings into this that actually mattered, but part of what’s going on here I’m sure is that the prison industrial complex in this country (which has a big role to play in all of this) are big campaign funders, which I’m sure has a lot to do with nothing happening; that’s overwhelmingly the fault of Repugs, but some Dems are also to blame too... when it comes to kids, what is the “party of Lincoln” and their media toadies preoccupied with instead? As Newsmax’s Eric Bolling puts it, those “little felt Communists” at Sesame Street...what a pitiable joke (Ana and Cenk)...

...and as long as we're on the subject of conservative idiocy and/or the appearance at least of criminality, it seems like nary a week goes by without some mention of Alabama’s U.S. Senatorial mistake Tommy Tuberville, and this time, it has to do with him making bank on trading futures commodities...and gee, whaddaya know? His committee oversee those businesses, and apparently, he has other similar financial corruption issues, as Adrienne Lawrence and Brett Erlich tell us (and when even big stupid head Matt freaking Gaetz of all people supports a ban on stock trading, you KNOW it’s way past time for that...and when it comes to Tubervile, let's not forget this)...

...and this More Perfect Union video tells us how the National Right to Work Foundation (hmmm, just smell the Astroturf!) is doing the anti-union dirty work for Starbucks (and when you follow the money, yeah, it goes right to the typical wingnut billionaires who want to make as much money as they can destroying the planet and dragging everything and everyone down with them)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that a Montana judge has ruled that a lawsuit filed by 16 young climate activists can go forward because of risks posed to the health of the plaintiffs...good news for a change...a long way to go until a (hopefully) victory, but progress...and as Cousins notes, now we have to identify someone to go after in the suit, which will be the hard part, but again, things are going forward for now...

...and RIP Bobby Eli of Philly International records, who co-wrote the following tune and played a big role in creating some of the biggest hits from the biggest groups of that era (the ‘70s primarily, that is).

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