Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Wednesday Stuff

Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about some alleged “preacher” named Daniel Kuhtsar of the Sure Foundation Baptist Church who haz a sad over getting death threats since he called for the same thing against LGBTQ individuals – yeah, another entry for the “’f’ around and find out” file as far as I’m concerned...

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT discuss Idaho’s Lewis-Clark college censoring a pro-choice art show because it allegedly violates some state law; sound like that location is run by the most enlightened minds of the 13th century (and I thought this was a good discussion about wingnut hypocrisy when it comes to “free speech for me, but not for thee”...and I believe the lefty censorship Cenk notes is dis-inviting conservative speakers to public events – inviting them at first, then realizing how crazy they were and then cancelling the invitation – which I always thought was dumb; get them on the record and refute their nonsense WITH ACTUAL FACTS...and sorry if I’m being unkind, but I’ve never really bought the whole “canceling for campus security” argument as noted here...I’ve been to Middlebury a few times, and I definitely wouldn’t call it a place where cars are likely to be set alight and storefront windows get smashed up, not that I want that in any circumstance)...

...and David Shuster brings us the story of Ohio police in Walton Hills sued by a woman driver named Amanda Mills who tried to record them, and it sounds like they messed up her arm and caused other injuries as a result (named in the suit is some life form named C.J. Schmidt, who apparently is one of the roughhousing officers in question – he and his pals deserve what they get from this)...

...and in this clip, Thom Hartmann does a pretty good job IMO of drawing a line of Republican Party corruption from Richard Nixon to the Gropenfuhrer; Thom reminds us about this story from over the weekend about the effort from The Sainted Ronnie R and his minions – which was successful, as it turned out – to scuttle the Iran hostage negotiations under President Carter to help ensure Reagan’s election, leading to Iran/Contra and Dubya and the ’00 election along with the second Iraq war, up to the two Trump impeachments and 1/6 of course)...

Update 3/23/23: More from Greg Palast is here.

...and I would call this a pretty good summing up by Rachel Maddow of the varying levels of corruption and illegality of Mango Mussolini and his associates (again, mindful that at least one legal metaphorical shoe will drop soon concerning the leader of Cult 45)...

...and this tune was #1 on the Billboard chart for the week ending March 23, 1968...Otis Redding spent most of his career making those great, upbeat soulful tunes with his fellow Stax musicians, Carla Thomas and others, but apparently was motivated by the Beatles and the success of Sgt. Pepper earlier that year to change things up a bit and perform this selection, against the wishes of the estimable Steve Cropper and “Duck” Dunn...Redding died soon after he made this, and it was the first number one posthumous tune in Billboard history...amazing that he crammed all of his great work into only 26 years.

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