Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Brian Tyler Cohen and lawyer Glenn Kirschner give us their take on the latest legal machinations involving Our Treasonous Tiny Handed Former *President (and I thought this was more than a bit of a “tell” also, as in, preparing for a revolt of “the great unwashed”)...

...and Francesca, Maz Jobrani and Farron Cousins of TYT tell us about 2 more recent train derailments that could impact neighboring communities, though it doesn’t appear initially that the Arizona incident will cause anywhere near the calamity of what happened in East Palestine, OH, though the Puget Sound oil spill in Washington state will impact tribal lands unfortunately...as I and others smarter than myself have said before, most people hate government until they need it to do something, and in this case, the rail lines will apparently have to be compelled to upgrade their trains or face criminal sanctions – it will take federal action of some type because they sure as hell won’t do that on their own...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us about “right to work” laws getting overturned in Michigan (incredible that 40K jobs were lost in MI because of RTW...and Emma is talking about this, by the way...also, kudos to the Temple University grad students as noted here)...

...and Beau discusses the 21 percent of those polled who said they trusted Fix Noise less after the revelations about what Tuckums, Ingraham and Sean Inanity really thought about the ’20 election despite what they said on the air (which of course came from the Dominion lawsuit...this is combined with the 11 percent who didn’t believe the network anyway, and it sounds like about 1/3rd of their audience is wavering a bit – not an overwhelming number, but definitely a dent in the metaphorical wall)...

...and I’ll tell you at the outset that this item is difficult, but I believe it needs to be mentioned – last Thursday marked the 20th anniversary of the murder of Rachel Corrie, who ended up giving her life in protest of Israel bulldozing Palestinian homes that were alleged to shelter terrorists...the following is an interview with Corrie discussing her reason for protesting recorded two days before her death...this post contains more information on Corrie’s killing from a bulldozer, but some of the images could be triggering, I have to tell you...still, though, the tragedy of her death needs to be remembered in its utterly unvarnished horror (I also have to be careful about putting up content that Blogger finds to be “sensitive” because I’ve gotten dinged for that already)...

...and in searching for a tune to commemorate the latest legal difficulty for Our Ochre Abomination, I now present the following.

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