Friday, March 03, 2023

Friday Stuff

Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report talks about the SCOTUS of Hangin’ Judge JR hearing 2 cases that likely will end up gutting President Biden’s student debt forgiveness paraphrase The Eternal George Carlin, the “R” party wants us to be smart enough to work the machines but too dumb to know anything else, and making college more affordable runs in opposition to that disgusting goal (mildly NSFW/H...and great point about the debt that Mango Mussolini cancelled without a word of protest...and I have a feeling Repugs would have sued even if Biden had used the ’65 Higher Education Act, as Figueredo says)...

...and keeping with the theme of education, Thom Hartmann informs us about #DeathSantis and his attempt to take over public schools in Flori-DUUUH! (yeah, basically you can teach the history of old, dead white guys and that’s about it, as Thom says...and I didn’t know about the “Constitutional Republic” word game played by the wingnuts, but I guess you learn something new every day)...

Update: So, supposedly, I might have to register somewhere in order to criticize "Meatball Ron"? Too funny (here).

...and David Doel found an interesting media nugget of sorts about Politico supporting rail industry propaganda by running ads in their content while this Adam Wren person of that media org criticized David Sirota and The Lever for trying to raise $$ for their journalism, which was perfectly legal the last I checked...and good job by Ro Khanna and Chris Deluzio to step up here with legislation in response...

...and Beau tells us about Eli Lilly capping insulin at $35 a month (and yeah, I think there’s a connection to Biden and the Inflation Reduction Act also...on the one hand, this is great, but on the other hand, what took so damn long?)...

...and in a similar story, Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins discuss Moderna deciding not to raise the price of the COVID vaccine; this comes after Bernie Sanders said he wanted to bring in the CEO to testify before the Sanders committee about why the drug maker wants to gouge consumers on pricing...

...and Robert Reich asks if there is a worker shortage out there, and he argues that the answer is no; I would call it a shortage of workers who don’t want to be completely screwed over by employers...

...and I know this is a few days old, but Rachel Maddow spoke with Dem State Senator Machaela Cavanaugh of Nebraska, on her state and the country overall losing its damn mind over “drag queen story hour” and other stuff affecting LGBTQ individuals including kids; I wish Cavanaugh good luck in her quest to push back against all of this insanity...

...and RIP Wayne Shorter.

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