Monday, February 27, 2023

Monday Stuff

I realize this story is a couple of days old at this point, but I think it needs to be mentioned again; Jesse Dollemore tells us of “Dilbert” cartoonist and Trumpist wingnut Scott Adams basically setting probably his most important revenue stream on fire (i.e., the syndication of his lame-ass comic) because he couldn’t keep his racist pie hole shut, and a slew of newspapers dropped Adams in response as noted someone who works ostensibly in IT, I can tell you that there was a time when the whole “Dilbert” thing was a bit of an interesting novelty, but at this point, Adams’s work is pretty tired hackery making fun of lazy, “woke” workers more than anything else (maybe it was always that and I just realized it a bit late...que sera sera...NSFW/H)...

...also, it looks like “Senator Snowball” is going to hang it up because he’s dealing with long COVID as noted here – sorry to hear that, but I think this is a bit of karma for a guy who opposed COVID relief for others (and profiting off the pandemic too as noted here...and I don’t think Di-Fi should get a pass here either)...Inhofe appears at about 2:12 in this clip; somehow, I don’t think he’s making jokes about ‘Rona now...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report brings us this clip of residents of East Palestine, OH (Jim Stewart in particular, as well as others) confronting Norfolk Southern CEO Alan Shaw on the destruction his company caused with the rail disaster that pretty much contaminated the town (and let’s not let guv Mike DeWine off the hook either; I believe it was his decision to do that burn of the leftover chemicals on the rail cars that completely fouled the air...personally, I’d like to know what the hell was supposedly so damn funny in that clip of DeWine ostensibly drinking the water...and yeah, the “Cult 45” homages to Our Treasonous Orange Pustule on display in that town are pretty sickening all right)...

...and the latest from Second Thought discusses American Fascism and the “groomer” panic (a very minor “nit” to pick...I wish he hadn’t included Mehdi Hasan in the beginning, since he definitely is not part of the crowd yelling about this, though maybe to refute it; another very small nit to pick is that I wish he’d found a way to go after Matt Walsh also, but he hits the major points for sure (including going after Chaya Raichik)...and I think it's correct to equate the “moral panic” over LGBTQ individuals with being left-handed, which was anathema for a time – and to me, the stuff at about 20:42 drawing a straight line between the “groomer” panic in this country and the Nazis was a real punch in the gut – kudos to J.T. Chapman for pointing that out in particular, and for doing his best to make these videos interesting and engaging...and I agree that signing up for Nebula is a great deal...all the best with the ways he’s trying to upgrade this content, though it stands pretty well on its own IMO)...

...and this Majority Report clip with Emma V. and Olayemi Olurin tells us about drag queens fighting back in Tennessee against ridiculous attempts in that state to put them out of business; I don’t know of a drag queen who every spread COVID or was responsible for a mass shooting (also NSFW/H...I have a creepy feeling that we can expect something like COINTELPRO 2 under a Republican government to go after African Americans, LGBTQ people, and anyone considered to be “woke,” whatever that means...these TMR videos go on a bit long at times, but usually that’s OK as far as I’m concerned)...

Update: I would call this an interesting bit of karma.

...and you can, in part, consider this clip my response to that racist idiot Scott Adams, and my contribution for Black History Month I guess; I always thought that was a stupid idea mainly because African Americans should be celebrated every month, along with everybody else.

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