Thursday, February 09, 2023

Thursday Stuff (updates)

This Now This clip tells us about a nationwide teacher shortage, focusing on Wisconsin...gee, I can’t possibly imagine how this has become a problem, what with teachers being called “groomers” by Repug party politicians and school districts waging war on LGBTQ and non-binary individuals affecting sports and bathrooms as well as conservatives telling teachers what books are and aren’t allowed in classrooms...and of course this is #sarcasm (more here, here and here...and focusing on Wisconsin, I give you RoJo The Clown here blaming “wokeness” for school shootings...and just as a reminder, RoJo won re-election by 27K votes, and as noted here, Wisconsin Repug election commissioner Robert Spindell said he suppressed 37K votes; you can do the math on that at least as well as I can)...

...and sticking with “culture war” stuff, Thom Hartmann tells us about the racist origins of the anti-abortion movement and how conservative godfather Paul Weyrich was a little late to the party, you might say...the evangelicals didn’t really care about abortion until the late ‘70s-1980 when they realized that they could use it to mobilize support, as Thom says...and boy, is Thom ever right about the Catholic I’ve said before, the Catholic Standard and Times ran nothing but pictures of fetuses in jars after Roe v. Wade was handed down (which, as it turns out, wasn't even a medically accurate representation of the typical aborted I’ve also said, as far as I’m concerned, if someone could prove to me that Roe had actually increased the number of abortions, I might have opposed the ruling, but abortion will always happen regardless, even though the SCOTUS of “Strip Search Sammy” Alito and Hangin’ Judge JR gutted Roe in favor of Dobbs as we know)...

Update 4/12/23: Nail. Hammer. Head. (here - h/t Atrios).

...and David Pakman tells us that Baby Newton Leroy Gingrich went on Fix Noise to tell us that Biden is weak because he popped the damn balloon (should have used some kind of a balloon scooper apparently, as if that’s even a thing...yep, moving the damn goalposts again)...

Update 8/26/23: More pathetic lies on abortion from alleged "Christian" Newt are here - nooo, killing a baby up to 30 days after birth happens to be freaking murder!

Update 8/27/23: Gee, Baby Newton Leroy sure is on a roll of sorts, isn't he (here)?

...and once more, I know what The Lincoln Project is, but they keep making good ads like this one (which the beyond-useless national Democratic Party should do also, but good luck with that)...

...and RIP Burt Bacharach – I’ll feature some more of his tunes tomorrow also...good luck with narrowing down his list of timeless hits to select just one tune to include here...

...and I’m winding down my list of “green” tunes to get everyone ready to root for the Birds in Super Bowl LVII, but I didn't want to forget this number.

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