Monday, February 06, 2023

Monday Stuff

(I was able to get a close-up pic of the Chinese spy balloon...heh.)

David Doel tells us about all of the wingnut caterwauling about the damn balloon, which is particularly stoo-pid given that three such balloons appeared over our airspace when Mango Mussolini occupied An Oval Office and he didn’t do anything about it (and certainly nobody screeched about it either)...also, as noted here, Biden played it right to shoot this down in a non-populated area because debris got spread out over nearly seven miles...

...and Jesse Dollemore (apparently sitting in for David Pakman) tells us about some national prayer thing with Kevin McCarthy and U.S. House Republicans...and boy, where’s Major Bowes’ hook when you need it for this goofball Randy Weber? “OH, BOO-HOO O LORD! BOO-HOO! THE BIDEN DEBT IS STEALING FROM OUR KIDS!!”

Yeah, well, as noted here, Weber voted for Our Ochre Abomination’s tax scam bill in December 2017, which added at least $4 trillion to the debt as noted here...

...and Cenk, Rayy Vana and Mondale Robinson of TYT discuss Idaho Repug State Rep Ron Mendive, who thinks kids should have to work for school lunches (great point by Robinson about how the original lunch program in this country was a response to what the Black Panthers did, as well as comping the farmers for not growing food vs. not taking care of the kids...and of course this Mendive nut also helped get rid of any mention of climate change in Idaho school curricula, and he also opposed a $6 million federal education grant for working families with kids 5 and under, saying the grant’s intent was to indoctrinate kids with CRT, which IS NOT A THING in elementary schools!)...

...and Beau joins More Perfect Union for another great “classroom” video about cattle rancher Coy Young, who almost took his life from pressure stemming from the beef industry...the clip covers all kinds of ground, and of course, Milton Friedman and his Chicago School of Economics henchmen ended up overturning the tables, you might say, for the benefit of the meat-packing conglomerates, and leave it to The Sainted Ronnie R (whose birthday it is today) to put the final nails in the metaphorical coffin for consumers on behalf of the “one percent,” in this industry like so many others...

...and last Saturday marked the 40th anniversary of the death of Karen Carpenter...

...and here is another “green” tune to get us ready to root for the Birds in Super Bowl LVII.

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