Monday, January 02, 2023

Monday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

I thought it would be a good idea to kick off the new year on an upbeat note with this Second Thought video on Why Corporate America Hates Unions and how the movement to unionize succeeded in ’22 despite all of the obstacles the “one percent” managed to throw at it (and this is an important related link also)...

...and Ana of TYT tells us about the staggering numbers on income inequality and CEO pay in the U.S...and yeah, if you want to blame the Fed, they’re culprits also, but you have to go back to the slide we’ve been on in this country for the last 40 years at least, dating to The Sainted Ronnie R...and yes, I know this is a broken record by now (more related content is here and here)...

...and workers getting abused is definitely a global phenomenon, as this DW report tells us about Japan and death from overwork (affecting teachers primarily, who apparently work on average 123 hours of OT a month, way over what is referred to as the “Karoshi line”...God Almighty!...with reporter Clifford Coonan and professor Hiroshi Ono)...

...and I don’t really have a lot to say about the passing of Barbara Walters; I thought she was a pretty straight news professional...the one issue I guess you could say that I had with her was when she pretty much ambushed Ringo Starr in an interview after John Lennon’s murder, but relative to other nonsense from our corporate media, that’s really not a big deal overall (and as noted in the clip, pop culture imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, though I found myself agreeing with this sentiment also)...

...and on the subject of milestones, I absolutely had to point out that “Senator Snowball” announced that he’s stepping down; I thought Kyle Kulinski had a particularly good commentary on Inhofe from way back in the day...

...and Don Winslow reminds us that, as people like Inhofe leave office, crazy Republicans keep getting elected to replace them and take over even more, and at this moment, I don’t know what to do about the life forms who keep voting for these traitors...

...and the latest to join this gaggle is this George Santos character (assuming that’s even his actual name), and I thought Beau had a particularly good commentary here on who is at fault for not getting the lowdown on this guy...

...and if this incoming Congress were to have a theme song (aimed at the U.S. House Republican “leadership”), I would like to propose the following tune.

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