Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Tuesday Stuff

Retired U.S. Army Maj. Richard Ojeda of Rebel HQ tells us about the congressional testimony of Robert Schenck, an evangelical clergyman who tells us all the ways that the wretched SCOTUS of Hangin’ Judge JR (primarily in the person of Strip Search Sammy Alito) has managed to leak decisions to Schenck and his pals in advance, referring to the Dobbs ruling in particular...between that and the financial conflicts of interest of this bunch (mainly with Almost Silent Clarence Thomas, Amy Coney Island Baby Barrett and the paid-off debts of “I Like Beer” Kavanaugh), all of this absolutely screams for legislation concerning reform of the High Court, including expansion to 13 seats, but anything resembling that is going to come screeching to a halt when the inmates of the U.S. House take over the asylum in a few weeks, sadly (more here and here)...

...and former Marine Jesse Dollemore gives us his take on the wingnut umbrage over Paul Whelan not yet getting released in Russia, as opposed to Brittney Griner (ANY American getting released should be something celebrated, but of course Griner checks all of the wingnut boxes for having a hissy fit...black, LGBTQ, a woman, etc.)...and as far as Biden working to get a Marine released from captivity (as opposed to Our Treasonous Orange Pustule, who had two years to get Whelan released, but didn’t think it was worth it to try and confront his Russian “daddy” over it), I give you this...

...and as long as I’m posting on matters related to the military, allow me to give you this Meidas Touch clip of Navy vet Ken Harbaugh going off on Big Hair Blackburn in the U.S. Senate over the latter’s idiocy regarding the COVID vaccine mandate for our services...

...and this More Perfect Union clip tells us about workers forming a union at a Starbucks/Amazon shop in NYC (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and I now give you more seasonal selections.

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