Monday, December 12, 2022

Monday Stuff

John and Brett Erlich discuss the “OMIGOD HUNTER BIDEN’S LAPTOP!” nonsense, and referencing once more how Matt Taibbi has stoked all of this, with somebody on Tucker Carlson’s White Power Hour basically admitting that the whole damn thing is a nothing burger, which sane people knew anyway (along with the Shukri Abdirahman “Only Bullets Now” madness on the bird app)...

...and speaking of wingnut violence, Mike Figueredo tells us about Nazi thugs showing up to shut down LGBTQ events across the U.S., because, as we know, the non-cisgender community is behind mass shootings and pose a threat to public safety (in the minds of the twisted lunatics behind these stunts I mean, when in fact they should take a good, long look in the mirror to find out who’s responsible for insurrectionist violence in this country...if those goofballs with their AK-looking guns talking to the cop in the light blue vest had been African American, it would have been a VERY DIFFERENT interaction I’m sure...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about finding more secret documents in Trumpworld; yeah, the list of people who should be looking at jail time just keeps getting longer (would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic and dangerous)...

...ands RIP Jim Stewart, legendary producer and co-founder of Stax Records (here)...

...and here are more seasonal selections.

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