Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sunday Stuff

John and Jayar of The Damage Report tell us that the NOAA has updated its “Arctic Report Card” to reflect our worsening climate, and as John says, sea rise and temperature change won’t just affect our coastlines, but inland areas also, to say nothing of the effects of populations forced to move away from water and the strain on locations facing an influx of people...what a shame that this country can’t manufacture a crisis of sorts by saying that climate change is caused by middle eastern terrorists, because then we’d never have to worry about funding for remediation again...

...and David Shuster gives us the latest on “Apartheid Clyde,” as K.O. calls King Elon I, and the tale of all of the journalists who were suspended from Twitter, and apparently all were reinstated even though there’s some question about Olbermann (a summary is here – apparently, all of this had to do with someone on the bird app who tweeted about Musk’s airline travel, and in response, Musk freaked out and suspended his account and all other accounts who linked to the travel guy, even though the travel information was a matter of public record)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that departing Repug U.S. House Rep Adam Kinzinger blasted his party on his way out the door recently...let’s be real, though; as Cousins notes, Kinzinger voted with his party about 90-something percent of the time...and by the way, when it comes to not using fear or whatever and Poppy Bush, let’s not “memory hole” the Lee Atwater/Willie Horton stuff, OK?...

...and kudos to the funniest math professor of all time for this...

...and here are more seasonal selections (including a tune for everyone celebrating the festival of lights, which began today).

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