Monday, December 19, 2022

Monday Stuff

Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report discusses the testimony before Congress of some of the Club Q shooting survivors, providing some truly harrowing testimony calling out the scumbags responsible for targeting these people (I have to admit that I hadn’t paid much attention to Matt Walsh until recently, but he is truly pond scum)...yeah, tragically, hearings like these will go away soon when the clown car caucus takes over the House...heckuva job, Sean Patrick Maloney and Andrew Cuomo, as well as #DeathSantis along with all of his lizard-brained followers who cast ballots for him in Flori-DUUUH!; the U.S. House Repug majority is 7 seats, and you can literally trace that back to the antics in the Empire State and the Sunshine State...

...and concerning the fallout from King Elon’s Twitter hissy fit, Ali Velshi speaks with author Roger McNamee, who is completely correct about standing up to oppose this garbage (and apparently Musk has now suspended journalist Taylor Lorenz, who, conveniently, is also a favorite target of the wingnuts...and I would call this an interesting appearance of a conflict of interest at a minimum)...

...and Chris Hayes (in a clip that’s a few days old now) tells us that the 1/6 Committee will be making criminal referrals any day now apparently...and it looks like Germany and Peru are responding to their coup attempts more vigorously than we are (I didn’t see the Adam Schiff interview...and yeah, blame Our Treasonous Orange Pustule, but be sure to save a heaping share of blame once more for every voter in a McMansion bedroom community or a rural area of this country who sees no threat to our government whatsoever and insists on voting for the “R” party to protect their privilege)...

...and “Jonathan Pie” gives us his take on a British rail strike (more here)...boy, does this sound familiar (when it comes to blaming rank-and-file workers as opposed to the moneyed vested interests who want no share of blame whatsoever...NSFW/H)...

...and here are more seasonal selections.

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