Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Tuesday Stuff

David Pakman tells us about Former President Bill Clinton’s recent remarks, which perfectly sum up Not Your Father’s Republican Party...

...so what is The Treasonous Insurrectionist Party doing instead? They’re trying to block 26 million student loan debtors for obtaining forgiveness for their loans of course, arguing that student loan forgiveness will diminish tax revenues; I guess it shouldn’t be surprising to hear such an idiotic argument from the political party that still believes in trickle-down economics, despite the mountain of evidence proving that IT IS AN UTTER FRAUD! (Farron Cousins tells us about it)...

...and Ali Velshi tells us here about Blake Masters lying at a rally in the matter of how much money the U.S. sends to Ukraine and whether or not we should even send anything at all (we should of course), as well as which president threatened to use nukes (hint: it was the leader of Cult 45)...yeah, there are a lot of reasons why Masters shouldn’t be elected despite all the $$ nut job billionaire Peter Thiel is throwing at him, and here are some more (to do what you can to help Masters’ opponent, Dem incumbent U.S. Senator Mark Kelly, click here)...

...and Jayar and Jackson White of Rebel HQ bring us the story of some Oath Keeper nut and insurrectionist (Stewart Rhodes) comparing himself to Nelson Mandela and saying his ilk shouldn’t be afraid to go to prison for 20 years...and we’re supposed to make common cause with these lunatics (“What you become is a slave,” huh? As if you would know.)...

...and this dropped from Really American last night; apparently, Mehmet (“CALL ME DOCTOR, DAMMIT!”) Oz has been housing Turkish nationals in a luxurious condominium who of course won’t recognize Turkey’s Armenian genocide (to help John Fetterman and get rid of this quack at long last, click here)...

...and I know the odds are long for Beto O’Rourke in Texas at this point (I can’t imagine a mindset that hates Democrats so damn much that you’d want to wreck your entire state for it, and hopefully I never will), but this New York Times video essay tells us about what I would call Greg Abbott’s criminal negligence during a winter energy crisis not quite two years ago in which hundreds of people in his state died, including the mother of a woman profiled in the clip...

...and Beau reads a truly touching letter from someone whose dad passed away, though you could argue that he “died to MAGA” first (if you watch Steve Kornacki tonight in front of that damn map with all of his projections and statistics, I would respectfully ask that you please remember that the “horserace” BS isn’t what this stuff should be all about – first and foremost, it’s all about flesh-and-blood people and their needs and aspirations, as well as those of their families and friends, echoed in the prior clip also)...

...and I know in the past on election day I’ve put up “Stand Up” by Trapt here, but I think this tune is also pretty apropos for the wingnuts who want to bring an end to roughly about 246 years of our elected democracy.

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