Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Wednesday Stuff

This just in...Huckleberry Graham just decided that about half the population of this country isn’t entitled to bodily autonomy that would allow for making their own health care decisions.

I mean, what does it tell you about the hubris of Graham and his same-party pals, along with sympathetic judges and Supreme Court justices, that they think they can metaphorically cram all of this stuff down women’s throats so close to a mid-term election? Hell, if it weren’t for stuff like this along with Dobbs which takes a nuke to Supreme Court precedent (as well as #45 showing his orange ugly mug everywhere), the Democrats would be getting their clocks cleaned in the electoral polling (to say nothing of considering what has happened in Kansas and Alaska so far).

And by the way, since Graham knows he doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on, allow me to point out that Roe was ruled on a “by trimester” standard for allowing abortions (affirmed by justices confirmed under Republican presidents) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey relied on a “fetal viability” standard which took into consideration innovations in pre and post-natal care over the prior 19 years since Roe (affirmed by Anthony Kennedy and Sandra Day O’Connor, installed on the SCOTUS under The Sainted Ronnie R). And both rulings allowed states to have a say in third-trimester abortions (which, again, don’t happen unless something has gone catastrophically wrong with the pregnancy). In other words, Graham somehow blaming the Democrats only for the status quo prior to Dobbs is just more proof that he’s a lying, opportunistic hack (and speaking of political bottom-feeders, who the #@$! was that smiling African American woman onstage with Graham, along with those other women who just nodded while South Carolina’s Republican U.S. Senate mistake announced that he was going to try and inflict more ruin on millions of people in this country?).

(I should add that I typically don’t wade into this issue since I’ll never birth a baby and definitely don’t consider myself an expert, but in my own small way, I’m trying to bring sanity to an utterly insane situation. And once more, if MEN got pregnant, none of this would be happening. “Morning after” pills would be available everywhere, and there probably would be a special section for getting abortions “on the go” at Home Depot, next to the aisle selling power tools.)

So without further ado, here is the Graham clip, with great commentary from Brian Tyler Cohen...

Update: Every time you think it can't get worse with lowlifes like Graham, it does.

...oh, and by the way, Ken Starr is dead (here - more here...TYT clip is from August '17)...

...and this Rebel HQ clip with Jayar and Jessica Burbank tell us that Goober Gohmert recently decided to “buddy up” to 1/6 insurrectionist Dr. Simone Gold (and oh boy, doesn’t that wingnut video with the orchestration turn the propaganda meter up to 11)...

...and Sam of The Majority Report tells us that Repug U.S. Senate candidate (and Peter Thiel-bankrolled) Blake Masters in AZ (who, when last seen, was busy trying to scrub anti-abortion language from his campaign web site as noted here) thinks Hispanics will support a weird way, I have to give Masters credit for cramming so much BS into about a minute and a half, or however long that was...and boy, is Sam ever right about this segment from The Swanson TV Dinner Heir aimed at their majority white elderly audience – mildly NSFW/H...

...and I thought The Lincoln Project came up with a great ad here for Masters’ opponent, incumbent Dem U.S. Senator Mark Kelly; to help Kelly’s campaign, click here (and I'll overlook some of the McCain hagiography for now)...

...and RIP Ramsey Lewis; I give you his signature hit.

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