Thursday, September 15, 2022

Thursday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us about that particularly bonkers lead-in to the recent candidates debate in Colorado involving incumbent U.S. House Repug Lauren Boebert and Dem challenger Adam Frisch, with Boebert arguing with the moderator over a tweet that the CO-3 U.S. House wingnut didn’t even bother to read completely...more debate idiocy with Boebert is here, including her not knowing the purpose of the 19th Amendment...and what does it tell you about the voters in Boebert’s district that, as Cousins says, she’ll likely win re-election anyway?...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report discusses idiotic Republican attacks on “CRT” along with LGBTQ rights that has led to a 250% spike in “educational gag order” bills and what that means in our slow descent from democracy to some religio-fascist corpocracy (I definitely feel better about OAN going down the metaphorical drain after watching that extended clip of their “news” anchor spewing her nonsense about “the left”)...

...and Ana and Cenk tell us about 15,000 nurses in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota area (and Duluth) who are striking over patient care and nurse/patient ratios, which is a big goddamn deal (a 300 percent increase in unsafe staffing levels since 2014, huh? And money is an issue, but not the MAIN issue – certainly not one to strike over by itself...more here)...

...and turning to world stuff and Russia’s war of choice in Ukraine, it looks like Vlad’s troops are getting routed (Chris Hayes speaks with Ben Rhodes)...I hope our defense and intelligence geniuses in this country have thought about what could happen if Putin falls from power, which he should (not advocating violence, though he’d deserve it) – it could take decades to try and repair the damage in that besieged country (structurally, to say nothing of the brave people standing up for themselves...and let’s not forget that Mango Mussolini called Putin’s incursion “genius”...and speaking of stuff disappeared by our corporate media, has anyone besides me realized that the story of what Wonder Boy Jared got for $2 billion, likely form the Saudis, has somehow vanished from “the discourse” by our news orgs with initials for names?)...

...and speaking of Our Ochre Abomination, I thought this was a pretty hilarious self-own from Sean Inanity...

...and happy belated 45th birthday to Fiona Apple.

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