Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Wednesday Stuff

Brian Tyler Cohen discusses the WaPo revelations about other countries’ nuke info getting out via Mar-a-Lago (I swear, NOBODY will ever trust us again with any kind of secrets after the escapades of this ruinous egomaniac)...

...and I was going to put up Beau’s commentary on the whole ‘special master’” thing, but events over the last 24 hours have made that a little less of an important discussion; Beau outlines all of the options based on the WaPo story, and they’re all bad...even as we’ve continued to swirl down the metaphorical hopper as a country as a result of the megalomaniacal behavior of this craven, spoiled toddler of a *president, I don’t think I’ve ever felt genuine dread until now (and for the record, on the “special master” thing, one of the reasons why that was a totally whack ruling from that Trump-appointed judge is because the “sm” is apparently someone who mediates between parties, which sounds more applicable to some kind of a civil action...the only matter open for “dispute” is how long the prison sentence will be for Our Treasonous Tiny Handed Former Chief Executive...and again, the question is WHAT THE HELL WERE THOSE DOCS DOING AT TRUMP'S PLACE TO BEGIN WITH??!!)...

...and if some of the life forms who showed up in Wilkes-Barre recently were capable of firing off a brain synapse or two, I’d ask them how proud they must feel for supporting this maniac of a former *president (I’m sure I know the answer, but I’m inclined to ask anyway)...

...and John and Brett Erlich of The Damage Report tell us about Texas Governor Greg Abbott lying when he says he can’t raise the age limit on purchasing an AR-15...I’m not going to get into a pissing contest over the legal technicalities, but for Abbott to claim that he can’t call some kind of special legislative session (as Abbott’s challenger Beto O’Rourke has called for) to raise the age of purchasing one of these monstrous weapons of death is an insulting joke (I hope John is right about beating Abbott, but hating Dems is a hell of a drug down there too, as opposed to elsewhere in this country...more here)...

...and Repugs apparently want to sue the Biden Administration to block student debt relief – yeah, Heaven forbid that a president actually tries to enact a policy to help millions in this country as opposed to the uber-wealthy, as David Doel tells us (and damn those lazy millennials for listening to their iPods and MP3s or whatever and not buying homes and raising families...removing my tongue from my cheek)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that Herschel Walker in Georgia has a far better chance of actually winning his U.S. Senate contest against Raphael Warnock than he should, which is also news to keep us pacing the floor at night (we should do what we can for Warnock for the reasons Cousins tells us, not because Warnock is a bad candidate, but because Kemp and the Georgia Republicans are going to do everything they can to screw over the economy in that state to help out Walker, who is nothing but a disaster as a human and kisses to President Manchin and Vice President Sinema for making this country safe for dirty energy criminals and hedge fund managers and letting everyone else fend for themselves, which has a lot to do with making this race MUCH CLOSER than it should be)...

Update 9/8/22: So Walker will only debate if he gets the questions in advance? What a damn joke!

...and I was going to wind down my summer selections with another relaxing tune on my playlist, but I feel more in the mood for this one (will probably be drinking early today).

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