Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wednesday Stuff

Lawrence O’Donnell discusses Generalissimo Trump and more than 300 documents at Mar-a-Lago, with some having the highest levels of security apparently, and 45 “went through the boxes himself,” according to a report in the New York Times...and I would agree that Evan Corcoran and Christina Bobb are likely in deep legal doo-doo also...

...and no, the preznit can’t just unilaterally declassify documents (especially when he’s out of office), as Leon Panetta points out, rightly noting that Mango Mussolini’s claim that he can arbitrarily do this is BS (again, don’t know who this guy is who’s sitting in, but he’s pretty good)...

Update: Interesting...

Update 8/27/22: This (and this)...

...and I’m bringing back a clip by Chris Hayes from last May on Trumper Doug Mastriano, the Repug party nominee for governor in our beloved commonwealth of PA, for a couple of reasons: 1) It contains a hell of a lot of important background on this lunatic, and 2) It’s a bit of a prologue to a recent terrific report in the Bucks County Beacon (which has emerged as a powerful progressive voice) by Jennifer Cohn which gets into the scary linkages between Mastriano, Trumpers, insurrectionists and “Christian” nationalists (here)...the best way to combat this is to do whatever you can to support Dem Josh Shapiro for PA governor (here)...

Update: I forgot Mastriano was coming to Delco, which is a natural spot for his political ilk unfortunately (here).

So he wants to make PA the "Florida of the north," huh? Anybody have any more questions?

Update 9/2/22: And it probably should come as no surprise to learn that Mastriano thinks he's above the law (here).

...and kudos to Adrienne Quinn Martin, the Dem chair of Hood County, TX who spoke before a local school board on banning books (Ben Meiselas from Meidas Touch tells us more)...

...and part of me really wanted to ignore this clip, but I decided to say something about it (from David Doel)...I have a feeling the phrase “OK, boomer” was invented for Bill, must be a nice life where the biggest “problem” you have is bitching and whining about NOT BEING ABLE TO SEE A GODDAMN MOVIE....and I don’t have a clue who Harry Styles is, and I can assure you that I don’t care...I can’t believe there was actually a time when I paid attention to Maher (here...before I discovered comment moderation :-), and to be fair, there was a time when he was really “on the beam” and actually living in the reality-based community, but boy, are those days ever long gone (NSFW/H)...

...and it’s probably too late today to hit LBI today (about an hour from Le Manse Doomsy), but I definitely feel like it after watching this clip (maybe tomorrow...).

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