Friday, August 26, 2022

Friday Stuff

Ana and John of TYT discuss the Fix Noise reaction to Biden’s student loan debt forgiveness...rut-row – it looks like Judge Winebox just admitted that her parents gave her a free ride for college, even though of course she lambastes those trying to pay off their student loans (and by the way, what about all of the PPP grifters who bailed on repaying THEIR loans? How come we’re not hearing any bitching from Pirro and her pals about THAT??!! Ana is good in this segment, but John kills it...Ana mentions the classified documents thing and Trump, which is important but not directly relevant to this topic actually)...

...and comparing student loan debt forgiveness to heroin addiction, as this life form named Will Cain does, is pretty damn loopy even for The Roger Ailes BS Factory – Richard Ojeda tells us more (and yeah, you can thank The Sainted Ronnie R, among many others, for our wretched status quo on student college debt, as noted here)...

Update: I thought this was some important context, and this is a terrific related post.

Update 8/31/22: A little repetitive I know, but I think this is worth adding to the discussion.

...and turning to political campaigns, The Lincoln Project puts Trumpette Kari Lake of Arizona under the spotlight, and it sure as hell isn’t pretty (to help Lake’s competitor for AZ governor, Dem Katie Hobbs, click here)... let's look at a gubernatorial contest on the other side of the country, OK? With that in mind, I thought this was a great opening ad for Charlie Crist, the Dem running against incumbent Ron #DeathSantis in Florida...

...and sticking with The Sunshine State, Farron Cousins tells us that the DOJ is absolutely still going after Matt Gaetz, but the problem (for Gaetz) is that there’s so damn much he could be guilty of that it’s taking awhile to sort things out – hope Gaetz will enjoy the rest of his life in the gray bar hotel...

...and Emma of The Majority Report tells us about this Repug U.S. House Rep Andy Barr of Kentucky totally blowing off Chuck Todd’s question about fighting inflation and instead going right to the wingnut talking points – yep, never a constructive solution from the “party of Lincoln,” only more bombast and pointless distraction (and apparently, Kentucky shares a border with Mexico based on what Barr is screeching about, which is indeed news to me)...

...and this video from More Perfect Union tells us about Becky Ley, a Delta Airlines flight attendant who has gone over to the pro-union side, but definitely not because she seeks to disparage the airline at all...

...and RIP longtime jazz producer Creed Taylor (here), who collaborated with George Benson, Herbie Hancock, Wes Montgomery, Stanley Turrentine and many others, as well as Stan Getz and João Gilberto on this timeless tune.

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