Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Wednesday Stuff

David Pakman tells us about the 10-year-old girl in Ohio who was denied an abortion and had to travel over state lines to get one...frankly, I’m not sure what is more shocking 1) The fact that a 10-year-old was raped; 2) The fact that she wasn’t allowed access to this procedure in an emergency; 3) Trying to imagine what she’ll have to deal with for the rest of her life as a result of this experience; or 4) The fact that I’m commenting on this in a matter-of-fact way as opposed to SCREAMING TO THE TOP OF MY LUNGS as a result of the routine barbarity of the Philistines on our Supreme Court (and speaking of atrocities affecting kids, allow me to provide this)...

...and Cenk, Jayar and Caroline Johnson tell us about the bisexual daughter of a Repug state senator, Corrine Dickey, who cut off her father for attacking her reproductive rights as well as same sex marriage, potentially, and that would be Adrian Dickey of the Iowa State Senate...I’m sure Cenk is right about the “two different conversations” take, sadly, and yes, it’s also hard to make the case for cutting off a family member who basically wants to oppress people they don’t agree with...should never get to that point for any reason, let alone over politics, but that’s no excuse to allow yourself to get trampled by others who disagree with your beliefs either...

...and Sam, Emma and guest (Digby?) on The Majority Report discuss the ramifications of the recent awful SCOTUS rulings and what could potentially be “in the cards” later, unfortunately...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 7/4/17, with ammo-sexuals coming onto the grounds of Gettysburg for what was the 154th commemoration...and yeah, I got a laugh out of the guy wearing a Trump shirt who said he wanted to reach people without violence; yeah, I think what he really wanted to do was rearrange somebody’s teeth, or whatever that mess me, that Confederate rag belongs in a museum, and there’s no place for that heavy artillery anywhere in public, let alone on those hallowed grounds (had this in mind when I read about this garbage; that is, a recent appearance by the Proud Boys in downtown Philly)...

...and I have to admit that this is a nice ad from yesterday’s non-Trump Republicans, but for real impact, it should make it clear exactly how to “fight for America” as opposed to invoking well-framed, patriotic images...

...and we're actually getting to the point in these parts when we could use a little rain, but for now, I'm glad to keep things upbeat with this tune describing our current weather condition.

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