Friday, July 15, 2022

Friday Stuff

Thom Hartmann reminds us that the U.S. is the only nation on earth with more guns than people, and it isn’t even close actually, with guns being the leading cause of childhood death in the U.S. – Thom also discusses what Justin Trudeau is doing in Canada in response to a ’20 attack in Nova Scotia, as well as the madness going on in this country (clip is about a week old I know)...

...and Ana and Cenk tell us that the U.S. House passed the Amber Alert bill for active shootings by a vote of is here (Bri-Fi voted Yes because, though I have lots of disagreements with him, he has a brain, which is more than I can say for Matt Gaetz (and why the hell isn't he facing charges for statutory rape??!!)...and usually I agree with Cenk about the Dems being too passive on these issues, but to be fair, Nancy Pelosi did give a bit of a statement criticizing the No votes – I saw the link on Yahoo News but I can’t find it at the moment...I think he’s absolutely right, however, about the bill’s chances in the Senate, sadly – damn, we need at least 2 more Senate Democrats in the worst way so we can tell #Manchinema to pound sand...kind of makes me wonder why Senate Dems didn’t push for D.C. and Puerto Rico statehood as soon as they took power in ’21, but of course, that would have called for “leader” Schumer to actually figure out some kind of a winning electoral strategy)...

...and Trae Crowder gives a very NSFW/H but spot-on critique of the most recent security footage inside the Robb school in Uvalde, which truly is pathetic...gee, why didn't they all order something off Door Dash while they were all waiting to SHOW A FREAKING SPINE AND TRY TO RESCUE THOSE KIDS WHO WERE GETTING SLAUGHTERED??!!...

...and Mehdi Hasan discusses the story of the 10-year-old girl in Ohio who was raped and impregnated and the wingnut outcry in response (and apparently this Catherine Glenn Foster person is trying to give Mean Jean Schmidt a run for her money when it comes to making the most obnoxious public pronouncements on this issue, along with Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita...Hasan interviews OB/GYN Dr. Jennifer Conti for the reality point of view on this subject – more here, here, and here)...

...and David Doel tells us how the wingnuts hopped on board the propaganda train in a hurry to blame BLM activists for pro-Biden, anti-Trump graffiti and starting a fire in Minnesota, when it turned out it was really a Trumpster who was responsible after all in a case of insurance fraud (rut-row...also NSFW/H)...

...and this was a particularly nutty posting week for yours truly, so I’m happy to chill out with this newer selection; hope you can all enjoy the weekend also.

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