Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Wednesday Stuff (updates)

Brian Tyler Cohen talks about the recent White House speech by actor (and Uvalde, TX resident) Matthew McConaughey about trying to get “the world’s greatest deliberative body” to pull its goddamn thumb out and FREAKING DO SOMETHING! about guns...and yes, I’m blaming Not Your Father’s Republican Party for all the reasons Cohen points out (and apparently some Newsmax idiot asked if it was a stunt, as noted here...typical for those guttersnipes)...

Update 1: Call me crazy, but I didn't have "wingnuts blame smartphones for mass gun slaughter of children" on my bingo card (here).

Update 2: After reading this, I have to admit that I’m pretty goddamn furious at Jon Tester.

So Tester doesn’t think that now is the right time to talk about raising the age to buy a military-grade assault rifle, though (about a sentence or two after his makes that idiotic claim), he also says, “The problem is not going to go away.”

No shit, Sherlock!

Tester (along with former Montana Gov. Steve Bullock) are reliably some of the first people to whine about “the Dems writing off rural voters.” Yes, the Dems do indeed have some work to do on that score (and for the zillionth time, paging @harrisonjaime), but what is INFINITELY more destructive to Dem turnout is people like Tester utterly caving on issues where there is a broad consensus of support (to get an idea of the work that Tester’s state needs to do on this urgent issue, please click here). Of course, Tester and Bullock will be the first to blame “the squad” when there’s a whiff of a negative opinion in our media against Democrats, when those two have done more than their part to completely turn off Democratic voters.

And Tester is hardly a first offender when it comes to bailing on issues that the Dems could use to build a broad consensus of support. As noted here, Tester was one of the turncoats who shot down the $15-an-hour federal minimum wage.

I agree with “Curtsy Kyrsten” on virtually nothing, but she once said that there were Democrats hiding behind her skirt, or words to that effect, when it comes to torpedoing popular bills in the Senate. I think, in the manner of a stopped clock being right twice a day, Sinema was correct. She was talking about Coons and Carper for sure, and maybe even Maggie Hassan. But I KNOW she was talking about Tester too.

...and speaking of media idiots (in the prior clip), Sam and Emma point out that we recently observed the 19th anniversary of “Suck On This” day from The Moustache of Understanding (here), tying back to Tom Friedman’s latest whining about Biden’s alleged bloated spending or whatever, which is even more ridiculous given what happened to BBB...yeah, I have a feeling that that will be the corporate media narrative heading into the fall, cheered on by treasonous Republican insurrectionists, that we’re dealing with inflation because that commie socialist Sleepy Joe Biden gave way too much money to “the poors” as part of COVID relief, with our fourth estate frauds betting that people (including allegedly oh-so-august-in-their-imaginations independent voters) will completely forget that THE CHOICE AT THE TIME WAS TO STAY HOME AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS OR GO TO A JOB WHERE YOU WOULD LIKELY DIE FROM COVID B/C WE WERE FULLY IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAVE OF CONTAGION!

Will that be a winning bet? God, I hope not, but we’ll see (and kudos to Sam for giving Friedman a dose of his own medicine, as it were)...

...and Thom Hartmann reminds us of the total scam that, in fact, is Medicare Advantage (sooo, apparently based on the report Thom discusses, M.A. will deny 1/4 of the recommended procedures, therapies, etc. from your health care provider...what a bunch of f*cking criminals, and I’m definitely not talking about the provider...and good job by Thom to remind us that M.A. was spawned under Former President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about this Blake Masters idiot in Arizona (here), who basically said the quiet part out loud and straight up blamed African Americans for gun violence; Masters might as well be wearing a white hood (and I just want to say THANK YOU to Cousins for somebody FINALLY refuting that utter BS wingnut talking point that Chicago is somehow the epicenter of all gun violence in this country...yeah, that city has issues, but primarily from guns brought in from Indiana, which, last I checked, had a Republican governor)...

...and this More Perfect Union clip tells us about Starbucks workers facing reprisals for their union-related activities (yep, Howard Schultz is just another corporatist tool as noted here, but we knew that of course)...

...and RIP James Seals – I might have included this tune regardless of the season since it’s probably more closely identified with Seals and Crofts than any other.

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