Friday, June 10, 2022

Friday Stuff

(Next week might be a little dicey for posting...I don’t completely know yet.)

I realize The Lincoln Project probably can’t come right out and tell people to vote for Democrats because that might have certain implications for their fundraising, but I wish they would...this NSFW/H clip reminds us of what led up to the completely treasonous exercise on January 6th, 2021 (and after these hearings from the 1/6 commission are finished, #45 and Ginni Thomas, among others, should be arrested and “perp walked” in front of the Capitol building for everyone to see...and others smarter than your humble narrator have pointed out how tragic and disgusting it would be if the voters of this country returned these cretins to power because they were irritated over a shortage of baby formula or having to pay a few cents extra for a gallon of gas, with legislation to combat both of these issues fought tooth-and-nail by Republicans...I think this is a related cautionary message...this is hopefuly anyway)...

And by the way, I disagree with Liz Cheney easily about 96-97 percent of the time, but she's really "on the beam" here (and, as noted previously, will likely be voted out of office for it, though I'd love to be wrong)...

...and Trae Crowder, the “Liberal Redneck,” tells us that the people who REALLY need to watch the hearings are the one who likely will choose to ingest more propaganda from The Roger Ailes BS Factory instead (also NSFW/H...and yeah, I think “chimpanzees” is about right...and yeah, isn't this just too precious?)...

...and yes, going after “I Like Beer” Kavanaugh and his family is bad for all of the reasons Cenk points out here (and call me crazy, but based on the description, this character doesn’t sound like a “lib” to me), but it speaks volumes of course that that death eater Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao jumped to it to help Kavanaugh but of course won’t do a damn thing in the matter of gun carnage affecting the non-elites...

...and sticking with guns, David Doel does a little “compare and contrast” with U.S. House Democrats and Republicans (mildly NSFW/H...Raskin v. Gohmert, Porter v. Scalise, and AOC v. MTG...and yeah, that Texas numbskull gave up his seat to run for attorney general of that state and lost, so he’ll be completely out of politics as far as I know in a few months...womp womp...I know the Katie Porter clip is a bit of a repeat, but that definitely works for me)...

...and kudos to 13-yearold Naiara Tamminga for giving it here to a Grand Rapids, MI city commission board over the extra-judicial killing of Patrick Lyoya, who emigrated to the U.S. from the Republic of Congo to escape violence in that country (according to Lyoya’s father)...the irony here is disgusting beyond belief of course (more here)...

...and I just need something to help me decompress heading into the weekend – hope you're able to enjoy some time off also.

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