Friday, May 13, 2022

Friday Stuff

Rachel Maddow brings us this story on how two incredibly brave Russian journalists have found a way to communicate to people in that country about what is truly going on with Vlad The Butcher’s horrible war of choice in Ukraine (and timed for that country's May 9th celebrations, which is even gutsier still)...

...and yep, we finally hit that unbelievable milestone when it comes to COVID deaths; we have indeed lost 1 million people, which is absolutely inconceivable, but that’s what happens when you have people who don’t get vaxxed and ignore/ridicule mask mandates; as far as I’m concerned, this is also a consequence of this country not finding a way to get vaccines to the third world in the necessary quantities to prevent more variants...

...and I thought this was a great report from Ana of TYT about U.S. Senate Repug idiot Steve Daines of Montana giving a speech about “pre-born babies of sea turtles” or something, basically comparing these animals to women...nice (I’d forgotten about Daines interrupting Elizabeth Warren – good job by Ana to link Daines’ idiocy to gun deaths, which, as Ana says, was made worse by the pandemic...Ana’s analysis of Daines’ votes is terrific – this should be the rule for our media instead of the exception – if guys ended up giving birth, there would be so many morning-after bills you wouldn’t be able to keep track of them all, and it would be easy to get an abortion – Home Depot might even wall off a section where to get it right next to the heating and air conditioning equipment and the aisle for power tools)...

...and sticking with the subject that the wingnuts love above everything else (with the possible exception of tax cuts), Jayar and Francesca tell us about this idiot Oklahoma state senator named Warren Hamilton who opposes abortion for ectopic pregnancy, even though such a condition poses a threat to the life of the mother, and of course any form of life birthed in this way wouldn’t be viable anyway (and Adrienne Lawrence also tells us at the end that Louisiana has introduced a bill stipulating that any abortion provider is guilty of murder...yep, this is the direction all of this has been going for decades, and we’re finally here unfortunately)...

...and David Doel tells us that dirty energy criminal Joe Manchin joined every U.S. Senate Republican in voting No on codifying Roe v. Wade (NSFW - and it shouldn’t be a big surprise that Manchin’s support is now coming from Republicans – and yeah, I’m sure Biden/Harris can be doing more against Manchin, but THEY ALSO DON’T HAVE THE FREAKING NUMBERS IN THE SENATE! If Bernie Sanders and/or Angus King decided for some godawful reason to start caucusing with Repugs, the Dems would be in the minority again) – and I also get a little fed up with the whining over the failure of Build Back Better...yes, it should have passed, but Biden also helped to deliver COVID relief and the infrastructure bill, and does anybody seriously think that would have happened with a Repug congress?? That being said, Doel does have a point about executive orders to make cannabis no longer a Schedule 1 drug and student debt relief (which Biden campaigned on, let’s not forget), as well as Jessica Cisneros vs. that guttersnipe Henry Cuellar...

...and Thom Hartmann tells us here that protestors in front of “Strip Search Sammy” Alito’s house who showed up recently in protest of the upcoming ruling to gut Roe v. Wade were served wine and cheese by Alito’s neighbors...gotta love it (and good for Thom for discussing McCullen v. Coakley, which has made it even more problematic for women trying to exercise their rights of bodily autonomy - more on tomorrow's march in support of abortion rights is here)...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History,” and today, we’re “setting the way back” for 5/13/ you want to know how IMO we got to the point in this country where some people (and as usual, I believe this means about 30 percent of the population) think that Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Madison Cawthorn are the sort of individuals who should be elected to the U.S. Congress, with the expectation that these life forms would actually act in the interests of their constituents? Well, in addition to a lack of education in civics and social studies, as well as a steady diet of nonsense from Fix Noise and their T.V. clones as well as conservative AM talk radio, I would argue that another culprit are garbage political ads just like this one, in which Bradley Byrne, who once served Alabama’s first congressional district, was attacked for being “too liberal”...apparently, this ad helped to sink Byrne in the GOP primary that year (which, down there, is basically the election), though Byrne did end up getting elected to Congress from 2014 through 2021...

...and here’s a tune for all of you triskaidekaphobics out there – don’t walk under any ladders or step on sidewalk cracks, OK?

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