Friday, March 04, 2022

Friday Stuff

This report from the German news service DW on Russia’s Ukraine war gives us the latest on that horrific conflict over the last week, which includes the U.N. vote against Vlad The Butcher, with security analyst Ed Arnold and commentator Giulia Saudelli...and yeah, smooth move by Putin to arrest children protesting the war with flowers...

Update 3/5/22: And oh yeah, regarding the trucking convoy apparently coming to a neighborhood near you, I thought this was telling.

...and David Pakman tells us that Putin in now guilty of war crimes, including (allegedly) bombing a kindergarten and an orphanage...God almighty...gee, I wish Dubya, among others, had seen this coming when he allegedly looked into Putin’s soul...what a goddamn sick joke that was...

...and returning to domestic matters, Cenk, Ana and John of TYT discuss the progressive response from Dem Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib to Biden’s State of the Union address earlier this week – sounds like Tlaib hit all of the right notes (and we need to make that point about corporate greed and inflation over and over and over again)...

...and Robert Reich does that here also in another great video...

...and fortunately that CPAC freak show is history, but I thought Beau had yet another good take on it, giving it the brief, incisive attention it deserves (not a lot to be taken seriously from it as far as I’m concerned...let those frothing idiots go nuts, have at it and leave sane people alone, OK, though I think his point about Mango Mussolini’s 11-point dip is worth noting)...

...and Adrienne Lawrence Esq. of Rebel HQ tells us about Repug U.S. House wingnut Van Taylor, who was caught in an affair with a jihadist and won’t seek re-election (womp womp)...

...and David Doel tells us about Florida students protesting the “Don’t Say Gay” bill from Guv #DeathSantis (and the leader of the protest was suspended – of course it was stoo-pid to do that, the suspension I mean, but kudos to him for his courage - more here)...

...and despite it all, I’m going to see if I can make things a little more upbeat with this tune as the week nears a close.

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