Monday, February 28, 2022

Monday Stuff

Cenk, Jackson White and Adrienne Lawrence “bring the receipts” on the wingnuts and their love of Vlad The Butcher (and if Charlie Kirk saw combat for real, he’d run away crying with a stain on his pants)...

...and Rachel Maddow discusses sanctions against Russia some more with Hagar Chemali, who was in charge of this under Obama (sanctions in general I mean)...

...and turning to non-Ukraine-war stuff, Farron Cousins discusses 13 different individual studies showing that Trump supporters are inherently prejudiced...yeah I know, sky is blue and water is wet, but still interesting IMO...

...and this More Perfect Union clip tells us about the plight of farm workers exploited in Maine...and by the way, Gov. Janet Mills is allegedly a Democrat, so she is particularly at fault here for her veto of the bill on behalf of the rights of these people (old enough to remember watching a CBS Reports documentary called Harvest of Shame produced by Edward R. Murrow...good luck finding something like that on the cables nowadays)...

...and this Second Thought video tells us why so-called “billionaire philanthropy” won’t solve anything (another fault of Bill and Melinda Gates are their dogged opposition to the waiver of patent protections for life-saving COVID meds to be distributed to the third world...not saying the drug makers shouldn’t be allowed to make a profit, but can we please put world health first before the almighty dollar for a change, as noted here...and by the way, I think the headline of the linked article is incredibly incorrect; Gates only went along with the waiver because it was supported by the Biden Administration, so props to them instead...Gates changed his mind pretty much after the fact)...

...and RIP Sally Kellerman, an actress who appeared in the film “M.A.S.H” of course (can’t have one of these scenes without the other)...

Update 3/1/22: Nice touch.

...and as part of our ongoing tribute to artists protesting Spotify over continuing to grant a platform to Joe Rogan after his anti-vax BS (here), here's another great Neil Young tune.

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