Saturday, September 25, 2021

Saturday Stuff

David Doel brings us an example of what was once called the “Clinton News Network” propagating right-wing talking points on the interminable story of the Dems trying to pass Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan in Congress; oh suuure, blame progressives, when in in reality, thanks to Manchin and “Curtsy Kyrsten,” the Dems are going to be hamstrung with messaging along the lines of “well, we said we would do this and that, but ooopsie, we didn’t have enough of a majority to negate these two idiots and do what we were supposed to” heading into the midterms...ugh!...

...and this ’18 clip from Lawrence O’Donnell tells us about Repug U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley and how he and Saint Orrin Hatch we’re OK with an FBI investigation into Anita Hill but not Dr. Christine Blasey Ford into her charges against “I Like Beer” Kavanaugh during the SCOTUS confirmation hearing (given Grassley’s announcement that he intends to seek another term in the U.S. Senate as noted here, which truly is unbelievable given that he’d be 94 if he gets re-elected and finishes his term)...

...and going back still further, I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 9/26/14, in which a segment from what was once the Fair TV channel with Peter Hart tells us about a climate march with about 300,000 people that was almost completely ignored by our bought-and-paid-for corporate media, as well as more coverage of President Obama definitely tilted in the “pro-war” direction...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao is trying to destroy the economy over the debt ceiling as usual...kind of a weak finish, but if Cousins’ point is that the Dems get lost in their own minutiae when it comes to legislating, then I reluctantly have to go along with that...

...and this Now This clip tells us about the Dem-run U.S. House passing a bill to protect abortions...and if you have to guess how Republicans voted, you’re not paying attention (as noted a couple of days ago, I’d like to see them pass a bill overriding anti-mask and anti-vax mandates to protect our kids, but I’m not holding my breath on that)...

...and this More Perfect Union clip tells us that water protectors at the L3 Pipeline are being arrested by some particularly sadistic rent-a-cops who are inflicting torture on the protestors to the point where they’re apparently suffering from Bell’s Palsy – I see one hell of a lawsuit coming over this; that SHOULD happen anyway...

...and Beau tells us about a student petition to bring back slavery in Missouri, and in response the parents and the other adults affiliated with the Park Hill School District are clutching their metaphorical pearls over it, wondering how their poor, darling kids could have done something so heinous, as noted here (gee, maybe you can find a clue about that here, with a protest over "critical race theory" which...wait for it!...ISN'T EVEN TAUGHT IN MISSOURI SCHOOLS!!!)...

Update 9/27?21: And this didn't happen in a vacuum either.

...and last Thursday marked what would have been the 95th birthday of legendary jazz saxophonist (and one-time Philly resident) John Coltrane.

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