Monday, September 20, 2021

Monday Stuff

Jayar, Cenk and Jackson White of TYT tell us about this crazy woman from Texas who came to NYC and assaulted a restaurant worker who asked for proof of vaccination...yeah, I’ve had enough of these clowns and their entitlement too (and boy, does Cenk nail this at the end)...

...and David Shuster of Rebel HQ tells us about this Bob Enyart character and the other right-wing radio idiots dying of COVID, along with some common sense remarks from Howard Stern (the “better angels” commentary from Shuster is good, though it does take a hell of a lot of patience dealing with these cretins...NSFW/H)...

...and in a related item, this Lincoln Project clip tells us about “Abbott’s Wall” (so much insanity with other Republican governors that it’s tempting to forget about what’s going on in “the land of the yellow rose”)...

...and Chris Hayes talks with Ro Khanna on climate hearings with oil companies the week of October 28th (including the snippet with that guttersnipe lobbyist Keith McCoy...background on Henry Waxman and ’94 hearings with those bastards in charge of the tobacco companies is here...)...

...and Jim Acosta reminds us that The Roger Ailes BS Factory is peddling lies for profit here (and Acosta mentions Republican U.S. House Rep Anthony Gonzalez, who decided not to seek another term because he’s had enough of the Trumpsist clowns threatening his family, pretty much)...

...and Joy Reid has her “Absolute Worst” here with Dan (“Democrat Party”) Patrick and Elise Stefanik, spouting the “Great Replacement” theory garbage from The Swanson TV Dinner Heir...

...and this Really American video reminds us once more of the treason of Repug U.S. House Rep Madison Cawthorn and the other performative clowns in his party...

...and like you I’m sure, I’ve seen performers destroy their guitars, but this is a first in that I’ve never seen anybody take out their aggression on a piano before.

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