Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

Ana and Cenk of TYT bring us the news that Mexico is suing U.S. gunmakers...good! (and I think Cenk makes a GREAT point to link this to over-prescribing opioids, and Ana makes an even better point at the end about the consequences of OUR actions)...

...and Beau shares more thoughts on our pullout from Afghanistan...I have to admit that I was a little surprised to hear him blame Obama on this – I mean, sure, this got bad on his watch too, but I distinctly recall that every time 44 said something even remotely controversial, the chorus of caterwauling idiots in the “R” party would start with “Oh, there he goes again, that community organizer who never ran his own business – how dare he try to tell us what to do”...I’m not saying you can’t blame Obama for some stuff, but it sure would have been nice if the other side had acted like actual adults, and maybe we could have had actual serious discussions about stuff like, y’know, stepping up the use of drones (here) and deciding to execute Americans who were wrongly doing the bidding of terrorists (here)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about a petition to recall #DeathSantis which has 35K signatures, though, as Cousins notes, it apparently won’t lead to anything, even though the effort is commendable (and speaking of recalls, I haven’t said anything about what’s going on in California, as noted here, which to me is beyond a ridiculous joke)...

...and David Doel gives us more on that whack job Marjorie Taylor Greene and her BS about the vaccine (oh, and don’t give me this crap about how you don’t oppose the vaccine but you’re in favor of personal choice, or something... this loon needs to be arrested at this point because her garbage lies are getting people killed...the main reason why I'm even paying attention to her is because Doel does such a good job of pointing out just how truly nutty she is)...

...and Jesse Dollemore sitting in for David Pakman talks about Pelosi calling out McCarthy for going after Capitol police (and of course, God forbid that maniac Trump or any of his whacked-out followers would have anything to say about the Capitol officers who’ve killed themselves)...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History,” and we’re taking another short journey back to 8/17/20, with Sam, Jamie and Matt of The Majority Report discussing Tommy Tuberville talking to some loudmouth radio clown, both competing for a Darwin award it would seem...and yeah, isn’t it funny how now, as if by magic, we’re not hearing any of these southern loudmouthed idiots bitching about how blue states can’t manage themselves? Yeah, take a look at the damn COVID map, you asshats...we’re definitely not out of this mess yet either, but that’s primarily the fault of you knuckleheads below that Mason Dixon line (great analysis from Sam here in particular)...

...and this video from More Perfect Union tells us about how the expanded child tax credit under Biden will help 3 moms doing their best to make ends meet...

...and I just happened to come across this video about five minutes ago, so here it is now - I guess you just get lucky sometimes.

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